Similar to associated phrases keep it 100 , it is what it is, Stay within your lane, etc.
Meaning, you heard the message, saw the message, understood the message, did the message until you ultimately, much later on, cast away from and push the message aside to the curb.
Reference: Lazor Wulf |S1 Ep7| “Prolly for the best”
I don’t like this spinna swiping my sickness and taking credit for what I done.
I mean, keep it at bam, bro. He made a hit.
The act of inhaling human ashes through the anus.
After her ex-boyfriends funeral she broke into his parents house for some crypt keeping.
This is the phrase that a crackhead with screech at you after almost being ran over by "some lip" in a blue Ford. This may take place outside of a newly built care home or a nursery that kind of rhymes with 'Tittle Nippley'. After the crackbum has destroyed her lungs with fifty cigarettes and a bottle of K-aid that she dyes her hair with, the crackhole takes pleasure in terrorising poor unsuspecting children. She can usually be found outside phone booths with her legs open, chatting up little kids. She will cackle loudly whenever children are near. This cackle is her mating call. Dating back to the ancient Incans, whenever faced with this cracknose, it has become common knowledge among fisherman to run into the nearest off license. If the crackface follows you, she will be so mesmorised by all the booze, she wont follow you anymore. Instead, she will drink away all those months spent in rehab.
Charlie: What is that? Looks like a walking pack of ciggies! White on the top and brown on the bottom!
Kaid: Walk past quickly and don't make eye contact! I've dealt with these crackelbows back in Vietam!
(They walk past her very quickly when they hear a strange noise).
Cathy: keEP oN sCrEwIng! (x2)
Kaid: Christ, she's different to any I know! I hooked up with one and she was nowhere as bad as this crackmunch! This is an evolved Crokémon!
Charlie She looks like my mummy.
To keep it frigid is to stay awsome, keep it the way it is. Many would say that frigid is to just stay frosty or leave the situation the way it is. If one came to u and said why do we fall... All u say is to learn from your mistake of falling and get back up. its the only way to stay frigid. Known from the legendary frosty the snow man. frigid was used on Rudolph the red nose raindeer so that he could guide Saint Nicks slay at night. Well The legends are true just stay frigid and u can help guide someone too
keep it frigid being defined is awsome
To B.S. with one another. Have a conversation with a lot of exaggeration. Stretch the truth during a conversation.
See you guys later, keep it breezy.
Princess Incest from Tasmania.
This sick fuck decided to have intercourse with his Mum, sister, Dad, and dead cat Cleo.
he's still hot tho
Friend 2: that's hot asf
Iconic tagline for community radio station RTRFM 92.1, frequently used by presenters during talk breaks. It encourages listeners to not touch the radio dial or turn off the audio stream when 'locked' on RTRFM.
Keep it locked to RTRFM 92.1, the Sound Alternative.