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Kaids (Korean AIDS) Is an extremely dangerous form of AIDS popular in Korea. It's only known cure is to inject large amounts of blended kimchee into ones veins.

Daniel has Kaids

by Good guy Jarid December 29, 2020


One of the best people you will ever meet in your life. She's smart, confident, gorgeous, and will never back down. Kaid always knows how to make you laugh and smile when you're upset. She can get any guy she wants, but she's not a slut. Kaid will always be there for you, and she isn't afraid to bite anyone who annoys you. Kaid is the best friend you could ever wish for. Consider yourself extremely lucky if you know a Kaid.

Perold: Kaid is such an amazing friend! I'm so lucky to have her!

Everyone else: dang I wish I had a Kaid

by Perold January 6, 2014

57๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kaide is a great person to know he is very exciting to know, he usually has blue eyes he will do anything for the person in which he loves, When kaide loves a girl he loves her and her only and will never ever make her cry in any way,kaide loves to socialise with other people and is misuderstood at times but he means well

Hey how is kaide treating you today? Kaide is very charming I love knowing him

by Willyouforgiveme March 2, 2019

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the greatest people you will ever meet in your life. He can easily start conversations and is super kind. He will immediately connect with the people he loves or or thinks about a lot. Anyone named Kaid always has a nice body and is a great lover. He is great at a lot of things and is just genuinely just a great person. He can fall in love easily, but can't be hurt as much if he gets rejected. If you meet a Kaid you need to keep him, he will someday be a great Father and husband. The wife of that husband is a lucky gal :)

Look at that handsom guy, he must be a Kaid :)

by RealDefinitionsOnUD January 11, 2021


A damn sexy beast

The boy with the middle name kaide is a damn sexy beast.

by griffinbiscuits May 3, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Group X speak for "kid"

Go kaick a little kaid

by Marijuana Kooky June 18, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


short for Kool-Aid,
if you're too lazy to type it out or say it

me: yo i dyed my hair with kaid. nice.
jon: OH YEAH!

by sexykumquathair January 8, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž