A racial slur targeting a black person. Based on that a darker color absorbs more sunlight and heat.
my best friend ever omg slay, we may be exes, but hes one of the cool ones ya knowww. so like slay idk what to put here Milo is super cool and amazing anc cool and hes also pretty -Mira
noun. a person who can never find a nice guy, and only seems to attract douche bags/assholes etc.
Dude 1: Man, I feel sorry for Sarah. She cant ever find a good guy.
Dude 2: Yea, you are so right. She is a prick magnet.
A person who makes dumb Men simp for them
That person person sure is a man magnet
1. A man who attracts Tricks.
2. Someone who always gets with slutty bitches.
Debby: "ew. who's that whore?"
Brenda: "John's new girlfriend. i've heard that she's slept with the whole football team."
Debby: "John's such a fucking Trick Magnet."