Like Wal-Mart feet, but slightly less dirty.
Jim has Target feet.
A dance move with a funny name and funny gestures.
A dude: "Woah, that's a cool dance move! What's it called?"
Another dude: "Thanks, it's called "Fancy Feet""
The first dude again: "Let me try!"
Used to describe someone who is sad or depressed. Often a downer or party-pooper.
Tim, you just shot the birthday girl. Why’d u do that?
I don’t wanna talk about it. I have guacamole feet.
Another word for toes
Omg your feet beans look so delicious! Can i taste?😍😍😍
The sensation of pain in your toes after playing a long game in your cleats/spikes. May result in blisters, callouses, or red patches of skin that also cause pain.
After 5 softball games I had a severe case of cleat feet!!!
When one's feet are super dirty from walking without shoes or socks. Much like Jesus' feet would have been.
"Dude. You have such Jesus feet right now. Clean yourself up, and put on shoes!"
A new term that was created on The Official Podcast to serve as a medium between the American term "flip-flops" and the Australian term "thongs" for a specific type of v-shaped sandals.
Guy 1: "I went outside wearing thongs."
Guy 2: "You mean feet-slappies?"
Guy 1: "Oh yeah... Those... *hides g-strings*"