Source Code


to Greg-It: the art of dropping clean dishes down into the cellar.

see also "Doug-It" and "Roger-It"

So I Gregged-It yesterday, but then I just put the dirty pan with all of the other pans for the cooks to use. They didn't seem to notice.
Apparently this example needs to see Greg-It because the past tense just isn't cutting it.

by dishjunkie June 26, 2009

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cider greg

A land based mammel dwelling most commonly in south western england; however they have occasionally been sighted in lower northern regions. Cider gregs are fuelled only by cider, preferring cheaper grade ciders such as tvc, k-cider and their favourite.. summerdown. Cider gregs enjoy such activities as swimming(fully clothed), getting undressed on command, destroying children's sandcastles and shouting general remarks to innocent bystanders.

when sighted, cider gregs should not be approached. keep your distance and, where possible, make sure small children/adolecent's ears are covered.

cider greg: "i'm going to ink on your sister"


by diggasound November 26, 2009

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gregs dummy

a cheap sausage roll given to babies by teenage mothers to shut them up while in the pram

get that gregs dummy in yer gob and stop crying

by vinnny August 18, 2006

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Old Gregging

(V.) To Old Gregg on someone is to hit on someone very creepily and awkwardly, usually in an attempt to get that person to do something he or she doesn't want to do but that you do.

Effective examples of old gregging include:

1. throwing out continuous strains of awkward, senseless questions, such as: "do you want to go to a club where people wee on each other?" or "do you ever drink baileys from a shoe?"

2. Do you want to see my mangina?

3. You got your rod stuck in my head motherlicka

by Frankie Boyle's Girl December 31, 2011

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Greg Palast

The only journalist who regularly seems to be paying attention to the way America is being sold to large corporations and the highest bidding political dynasties in the U.S. But why doesn't he get published in the U.S. papers?!?

I worry that Greg Palast is going to get taken out for asking too many questions about the Bush family!

by chthonik May 13, 2004

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Old Greg

the best sea creature dude on youtube EVER.

hes hilariouso and SEXXIIII

quote from the Old Greg video:

Old Greg: Hi there, I’m old greg, pleased to meet ya. What you doin in my waters?
Fisherman: Just takin the air you know, not fishin.
Greg: Then how come this hooks in my head fool?!
Fisherman: Its nothing to do with me.
Old Gee: Its attached to your rod mother licka!!
Fisherman: Don’t kill me, I’ve got so much to give.
GEEE: Easy now fuzzy little man peach.Ever drank baileys out of a shoe? Do you want to come to a club were people wee on eachotha?
Fisherman: No.
oldgreg: I’m goina hurt you.
fisherman: Excuse me.
GREG: I like you, what do you think of me?
Fisherman: I don’t really know sir.
GreG: Make an assessment.
fish: I think you’re a nice modern gentle man.
GREG: Don’t lie to me boy.
man: I’m not lying.
gregster: I know what your thinking.Here comes old Greg, he’s scaly man fish

by MHolz April 24, 2009

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nice greg

an expression of approbation or congratulation

Should I say it? Nice Greg.

by Alan Barnes March 15, 2004

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