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Dash Wey

to throw away, Get Rid of, Dump, Ghosting, block!

Sharon was doing too much on my time line so she got dash wey!!!

by LitTTEa March 21, 2021


Made up word by the kurufrui Yadi.Invented as a why to crush the rawness of Gabriel. But failed miserably cuase I am just way too fly n fresh

"Gabriel ur such a skinny SKA-DASH"

by Senor Fresco August 27, 2008

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dash stache

The little patch of hair that women leave right above the mons pubis after waxing/shaving the rest of their pubic region bare.

"His girlfriend's ticklish dash stache did not stop him from giving her a night of oral that she would never forget."

by Bobbie Cocker March 16, 2010

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Digital Dash

Driving ode fast, especially when from the one time

I'm sorry bro, but If I see light I'm doing the digital.

My nigga if you see cops, you finna do the digital dash?

by Dry_Spider_Guy October 20, 2019

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Splash and dash

when someone cums quick and leave straight away

Callum fucked a girl and cum really early...he splash and dashed

by scrott owen January 4, 2019

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1. When one runs around a small village smacking hammers over people's heads.
2. When one's body is obese or ugly, but that same person's face is good looking.

"i heard bob went head-dashing last night."

"Oh man that person over there is head-dashing"

by doctordrew31st August 5, 2008

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Meerkat Dash

When a coworker known for looking and being suspicious, takes something from your desk and runs back to their desk, all the while looking like they name should be TIMON!!!! snatch and run, steal

Annie just did a meerkat dash with your Reese's pieces, Shellie. And it was so funny.

by Jx3's mom January 27, 2009

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