Source Code

national scooter day

may 21,st national buy a scooter day

its may21st which means its national scooter day!!

by aubreyvallentine May 22, 2024

Honey nut scooter

1. Code for sugar daddy
2. Code for baby daddy
3. A cereal who's name was either super thought out or not thought out at all

1. "I heard shaleanlean has a honey nut scooter, and that's why she's so rich"

2. "My honey nut scooter hasn't paid child support since may"
3. Small child: "can I have some honey nut scooters"

Mom to dad:" wtf are you teacher my son Marvin? "

by BobTheBurger November 26, 2016

i hope you hit your ankle on a scooter

The worst type of pain. If someone tells you that they hope you hit your ankle on a scooter, they most likely want you to die. You are highly recommended to stay away from people who have ever said that to you, or anyone you know.

Arvin: I hope you hit your ankle on a scooter!
Mikael: *runs away, moves to another country*

by Neo1313 November 11, 2019

scooters of anarchy

The scooter gang of fat bastards that skirt up and down the aisles of stores taking up as much room as possible. These people never really seem to get many items, but rather just sit in the way and talk to other scooter drivers.

I seen the scooters of anarchy on the other side of Walmart blocking the entrances to the lil debbie section. They looked terrifyingly hungry so I dipped out of there before they pulled out their forks to sample me.

by Platezz January 24, 2018

Scooter Pro

Professional level scooter rider. Sponsored, and earning money. Making a profession out of scootering. They compete, and try new tricks daily.

Person 1: He is a Scooter Pro.
Person 2: Wow! (Shouts to Scooter Pro) Can you backflip? Are you sponsored?

by ScooterProRider June 1, 2022

Jaeger scooter

Whatever means you get home after a night of binge shots of jaegermeiester

Thanks to a jaeger scooter, Chris made it home after 6 double shots of the German champagne

by Tiny dancer at the girls forum August 1, 2016

Bumblebee Scooter

A boy / girl who settles for another person below his / her standards at a party for the sole reason of not being alone.

Look at Djamal over there making out with Lisa. He's such a Bumblebee Scooter!

by Flake.Freestyle September 26, 2020