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Storming Normandy

Formulatiung a plan to acquire as many ladies as possible, by befriending them, followed by a siege of the sexual variety.

Jeremy: "Yo there's like 7 ladies I'm tryin to get with. So many choices!"
Alex: "Time to start Storming Normandy!"

by Jeremy The Tank Engine October 24, 2009

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Winter storm

Someone who stalks,obsesses over, is a huge fan of and loves Tarja Turunen They are a part of her fanclub called Winter Storm

Person 2: But have you joined her fanclub #Winter Storm yet?

by Tarjaturunen_slovenia July 18, 2020

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Turtle Storm

A weird girl on Youtube.

I don't watch Turtle Storm because she is wierd.

by PlebIsLife January 11, 2018

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storm snurge

To furiously sniff girls biycicle seats or gussets while wanking

A storm snurge just came over me, biycicle seats are just not the same anymore. Vagisel was a bad idear!

by bathgirl September 26, 2010

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Snow storm

Snow storm is lesser known version of a chimpout but with white people. Its when a large group of angry white people show their ignorance and act out in a non-human manner. Usually at political rallies or demonstrations, concerts, sporting events, and sometimes just a couple of individuals in a restaurant.

PERSON ONE: "Man you see that craziness happening at that Tea party rally, so much ignorance."
PERSON TWO: "Yea, it was a total Snow Storm.

by mr. mike March 28, 2017

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Sea Storm

When person 1 smacks person 2's face with his wiener and yells repeatedly, "Who's the boss??" while taking a dump on person 2's chest.

Hey, did you hear about how Jacob gave Brean a Sea Storm?

Yeah, I heard she knew who the boss was!

by Mr. Mojo Sexmaster Jacob July 30, 2010

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static storm

A small storm of static that interrupts electronics and other machines. Usually such occurrence happens in hot and humid weather.

The static storm just shorted out my laptop! DAMN IT!

by Schmuckoff June 23, 2017

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