A truth that can only be defined by its magnumnous.
Kylee: It's time to play magnum truth!!
Amanda, Isabel, Maxweed and Paige: Yeaa!!!! Magnum truuuuuuth!!
It’s whatever one THINKS or erroneously PERCEIVES to be “their truth” often to make themselves the victim of any situation arisen.
‘Recollection may vary’ when it comes to Meghan’s truth!
A version of a story which exists entirely in your head and no one else has any recollection of it.
I was an only child.
I had siblings but in my mind I was my parents only child and that is my truth despite not being THE truth. This is Meghan’s Truth
A fact who's degree of truthiness changes upon observation.
" I make my own homemade soup" , stated Jerry to the group.
"Oh, really? What kind?" Inquired Beth.
"He means heats up Trader Joe's soup on his stove instead of the microwave ", said Rick. "It's his favorite quantum truth- it seems real but totally falls apart once you look at him"
When to lovers decide to call it a truce and bare all.
Truth moment, I'm tired of fighting with you.
I love you so much baby truth moment.
New truth category based on subjective social agreement distinct from fact-based truth. It is a form of social agreement that can be labeled as truth irregardless of any association to evidence based objective facts. ie. weights and measures
The measure of truthfuliness on truth social is how many people will accept opinion as fact.
aka bullshit
I saw this post on truth social that up is down and white is black, did you see it?
Yes, I did, if it's on truth social it must be true!
4👍 458👎
Statistical facts or other scholarly information that makes people uncomfortable when they read it or hear it. Freakonomics Truth often causes great consternation and denial in the listener or reader who is so shocked by what they have just discovered, that they try to avoid learning about similar information in the future.
Mass abortion among unmarried, low income women after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 led to a significant reduction in violent crime in the United States in the 1990s and 2000s, because many of the children who would have become violent criminals were never born. Many devoutly religious people don't like to hear 'Freakonomics Truth' because it flies in the face of everything they have been brought up to believe. 'Freakonomics Truth' reminds us of how dark and ugly life often is.