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Detroit Jack City

Detroit-Jack-City: older generation muscle-head. Seasoned veteran at stacking plates and pushing weights. Someone over the age of 40 who is reminiscent of the good old days and muscular, representing the muscle car era of Detroit Mi

Dang, have you seen Blue lately? He’s Detroit Jack City!

by Gearheaded July 21, 2021

Boulder City Gamble

The Boulder City Gamble is a military tactic wherein an inferior defending force lures a superior attacking force into a city, town, or large confined space (such as a valley, ravine, riverbed, etc) and then destroys said space with large amounts of explosives. This move effectively sacrifices any defenders left in the area of operation, while also destroying the attacking force and any momentum they’ve gained. This tactic is most famous for its use in the video game “Fallout: New Vegas”, wherein the New California republic destroyed Boulder City during the first battle of Hoover Dam to prevent any further Legion advance.

“The NCR used the Boulder City Gamble to stop Caesar’s Legion from winning the first battle of Hoover Dam.”

by LigmaSawconNigga March 19, 2024

Robloxian city

A game called Roblox but a user is called a Robloxian you are considered this if you join. This is just a town of people who joined and made an account for the game.

The robloxian city looks like that.

by Mayax246 January 6, 2022

mush city

A verb used to describe the timber and all other auditory characteristics of a really muddy, undefined and characterless piece of audio - wheather be it the sound produced by a musical instrument, the sound of a certain piece of audio gear like a speaker or a microphone, recorded material or otherwise.

Concert attendee #1: Wow this band is so loud, yet I can barely understand what the frontman's screaming.
Concert attendee #2: Yeah the guitar sound is so fuzzy, it all just sounds like mush city.

Kid A: These headphones are crap, every time I turn the volume up it goes straight to mush city.

Dude A: Hey man have you listened to my new track?
Dude B: Yeah it's nice man, but you totally overdid it with the reverbs. Sounded like mush city to me.

by Tresspasserxmassacare June 30, 2017

City-8 Day

January 17. Every member of City-8 will sacrifice themselves to City-8 on that day, using the surgically implanted bombs in their heads.

You ready for City-8 Day?



by jsoiegjsojeoigj January 5, 2023

The Flint City Special

When a person drinks the liquid diarrhea that has been filtered and sifted from the entangled ass hairs of their partners butthole. Commonly used for sexual gratification as a form of coprophiliacy.

Man 1: Hey man you look really tired and sweaty do you need a drink of water?
Man 2: No thanks, my girl just gave me The Flint City Special I'm not dehydrated.
Man 1: Oh sweet! Me Next!

by Tony Sullivan April 17, 2024

Coconut City

The state of mind after you've been smoking so much weed that it's like it's snowing in your brain.

"We've reached Coconut City, people!" in a party where they've been passing around a big bowl.

by Bernart de Ventadorn February 7, 2021