A player with little skill at gaming or a boosted account.
We had a Musk-rat on our team and he just kept dying over and over.
Like a Pack Rat but instead collects the pipe dreams of a chosen leader and uses fallacies to prove that they can be a reality.
"Those Musk Rats are really attached to that vacuum".
"Yeah, lets just hope it makes them stop trying to walk on the solar panels".
When you are in your Air B&B in Gulf Shores, Alabama, and your smokebag neighbor sneaks into your heated pool two times.
That Alabama Rat is in the pool again.
Tommy: if you have that kid he’ll use all your money!
Jason: What?
Tommy: Kids are expensive, you’ll be a dirty fucking poverty rat
What a specimen known as “Chi Lipa” creates, promulgates and spreads around innocent beings. It is done for her own enjoyment and comes from pure evil.
- Omg, not even the MOR couldn’t hold all of Chi’s ratness.
- Well, that’s why she got McFired, for being such a rat.