This is the theory that because a lot of people spend a lot of time on the toilet listening/watching podcasts while simultaneously making use of their toilet, if Joe rogan was to appear in a public place while doing a podcast, that would trigger a major mind muscle effect that would cause everyone within earshot distance that does listen to him while using their facilities to need to take a shit.
John: “I hope the ‘Joe rogan poop theory’ isn’t real.”
Me: “Well, let’s hope he’s not taking the podcast on the road anytime soon”
When you catch your girl cheating on you and you shoot her, as in the Jimi Hendrix song Hey Joe.
If I caught that bitch I'd Hey Joe her ass.
Joe Walker Middle School is where guys think they’re part of gangs and girls wear ten pounds of lip gloss. some teachers are pretty okay. others—not so much. everyone is disrespectful as hell and you never get anything done in class. teachers will hate u probably. some weird people. literal trash
Oh you hate your life? You must go to Joe Walker Middle School.
More than winning, the Joe Gagnon MVP Award is the most coveted by all competitors when competing in the Eye-Patch Olympics. It may be the most coveted award of all awards. The winner of this award is the person who left everything on the field, including their clothes and anything else they brought. It takes heart, perseverance and hair, lots of hair, to win this award.
While competing in the Eye-Patch Olympics Ryan won the Joe Gagnon MVP award because he competed with vigor and heart.
It’s basically Joe Mama but on steroids. As in, that weird song…
Joe mama, Joe daddy, Joe bald headed granny, she mean, she lame, she needs some booty cream!
you need to typer qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
I am joe mama are you an idiot
a odd name only used in canada
hi billy-bob-joe-frank
7👍 7👎