When a Mexican reaches the age of 18, they only age 1 year for every 5 years!
Damn she fine, she must age in mexican years
When you shit in a library book and light it on fire then piss it out then you return that book to the library wait for somebody to find the pages I had to shit on it and close it in that nerds face
Haha you shit in that mexican book
n: The act of doing an handstand while having an heavy case of diarrhea. While perfoming it, you'll have to try to fart as loudly as you can.
To prepare it, you'll need to eat a lot of beans and spicy food.
Mike was there, he did an awesome Mexican Oil Rig while singing "Chocolate Rain". We had a lot of fun"
Nouvelle definition
To break someones neck through deep thought and the cum in it
Mexican guy: `filled in a mexican pothole last night`
Similar to an Indian hotbox, except it's when you and the lads eat too many tacos and turn that car into a heaping cloud of swamp ass.
"Holy shit Taylor you better slow down on that Taco Bell, or were gunna be in for a stank Mexican hotbox later.
After performing a Mexican Hot Pocket on your girlfriend, you forget to wash your penis before your wife gives you oral sex.
Man my wife threw me out on my ass last night after I gave her a Mexican Doggy Bag.
My ex who's white surprimacist was getting married to a Mexican and I have never heard of a Mexican Surprimacist
My first affiliated boyfriend all about white power was getting married till I looked up his Mexican Fiancé I ain't ever heard of a Mexican Surprimacist