Source Code

Donald J. Trump

An idiotic dangerous homophobic man against LGBTQIA+ rights! He wants to build a wall between Mexico and America.

Donald J. Trump just took away LGBT health protections! Look it up.

by twitchcool69 June 18, 2020

703πŸ‘ 666πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

A man who should not be president.

Donald j. trump is orange.

by twitchcool69 June 20, 2020

697πŸ‘ 650πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

Ugly cunt with shit hair who needs to be thrown in prison.

Donald j. trump. Ew.

by twitchcool69 June 18, 2020

704πŸ‘ 664πŸ‘Ž

The Numerology of Donald Trump

When astrologers and feng shui masters figure out the β€œgood” and β€œbad” days of the 45th President of the United States from his birthdate and the zodiacβ€”in Chinese numerology, baby Trump was born in the Year of the Dog.

Emperor Xi and gang consulted the fengshui gurus in Beijing to find out about the numerology of Donald Trumpβ€”they wanted to know when his β€œlucky” and β€œunlucky” days in the Year of the Pig would be in order to schedule their trade meetings with him.

by MathPlus February 18, 2019

188πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž

Trump Derangement Syndrome

(TDS): a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their hatred of Donald Trump, to the point they actually abandon all logic and reason and refuse to accept an America without Queen Hilary.

supporting the green new deal is either running to the left of bernie sanders or trump derangement syndrome

by Sexydimma February 3, 2020

21049πŸ‘ 562πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

An orange, racist man that the racist and stupid half of America decided to vote to elect as President of the United States.

Canadians: "Who the fuck elects an orange President, eh?"
Americans: "Half of our dumbass country."
Canadians: "Come over to Canada. You can have free maple syrup and go dog sledding without Donald J. Trump here."

by twitchcool69 June 21, 2020

695πŸ‘ 653πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

The embodiment of everything that has gone wrong with America, concentrated into one individual through black magic and blood sacrifice, with the hopes that this ritual would cleanse the United States.

A similar ritual was successfully preformed in Canada, using Justin Bieber as the vessel for their collective sin.

At the time of writing of this definition, it is still yet to be seen if this will be an effective solution for the United States.

The American people view Donald J. Trump in much the same way that Canadians regard Justin Bieber.

by twitchcool69 June 20, 2020

697πŸ‘ 656πŸ‘Ž