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Crispy Cheeks

This is a nickname given to a gurl emo god. She normally dresses all in black. However she is so warm and crispy on the inside. She will make you laugh until you can’t breath. She will always be one of your greatest friends and will always be there. She sucks a yearbook class and will judge your grammar because your a lower level english than her. Also, she gets in trouble a lot because of her phone in school but she doesn’t have strict asian parents. Keep her with you.

Julie- Who is that?
Blake Shelton- That’s Crispy Cheeks, she’s the coolest person ever.

Julie- I’m scared of her.
Blake- You should be, she barks
Crispy Cheeks- BARK BARK

by addiiafrate April 25, 2022

Stink Cheeks

When eating a girl out and she queefs on your faces. This Leaves you alone contemplating life tasting your own stink cheeks.

Man 1: Ah man Rebeeca gave me stink cheeks yesterday.
Man 2: Damn I always knew dat bitch was nasty, stay the fuck away from me with those stink cheeks tho.

by BigBadBibba June 5, 2018

Thatcher’s Cheek

A Nailsea cheek that has been gaped for a deep fucking by men of all shapes and sizes

“Oh I see you’ve got a smile, have you been in thatchers cheek today”

Arghhh my balls are drained, I’ve been to Thatcher’s cheek today”

by Bigmanotfromnailsea April 8, 2021

Bosh Cheeks

Bosh's huge ass cheeks which he uses to destroy his enemies or seduce them

Defined: Bosh seduced Qwerty and Larry with his large Bosh Cheeks who he later destroyed

by LarryIsHuge March 11, 2022


When you and your bro need to share a seat designed for one ass and you both agree to split the difference with your two asses and half-cheek it.

In the most basic half-cheeking form, both you and your bro will have one leg planted on the floor for support and the opposite cheek on the seat.

“Yo man, I just saw you from across the pool hall half-cheeking that chair with your bro. Y’all must be pretty close…”

by sackerland May 29, 2022

Cheek Speak

When somebody tries to talk about something they have no knowledge of. Talking out your butt.

Wow that’s such cheek speak. They know nothing about what they are talking about.

by Mochzilla July 4, 2022


A person obsessed with grabbing butts

That guy is such a cheek-seeker!

by Dude192855 April 14, 2016