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Cleveland Browns

perhaps the worst franchise in the NFL next to the Raiders, Lions or Cardinals. A team with a dedication to losing that is almost mind boggling, even when the
team makes the right move in signing a good player they get hurt, (see Lecharles Bently). The NFL should never have resurrected this franchise, it should have
gone to a better city, like Las Vegas or San Antonio. GO STEELERS !!

Guy 1: Hey I got tickets to the Browns game, wana go?
Guy 2: Nah I am gonna sneak into the zoo and try to hand feed the polar bears.
Guy 1: Wow thats alot better then watching the Browns blow another one, can I come?
Guy 2: Sure but make sure you tie the food to your body,
Guy 1: Alright! This is gonna be great!

Gee what a surprise the Cleveland Browns lost again to the Steelers, what is the 6th time in a row? How is that a rivalry?

Cleveland Steamer was originated in Cleveland because Browns fans had to come up with something to release the stress of ALWAYS losing.

Publish this.

by Skidmark McGee March 14, 2007

133πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž

grover cleveland

Briefly: Titty-fucking.

But the nuances are so much more. See example.

In full form:

"I can't believe I got a rockin' Grover Cleveland with a flaccid twee."

OR in abbreviated form:

"Grov 'er? I hardly know 'er!"

by Davey C. December 14, 2007

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland, TN

A place filled with Dollar Generals, Hardee’s, Churches, and generally sad people. Has a metric shit ton of emo kids, rednecks, wannabe gangstas, and an oddly large number of Communists. Oh, and can’t forget Meth, and neighbors that want you dead.

I almost went to Cleveland, TN one time, but I remembered I’d rather stab my eyes out with rusty nails.

by OactavianCaesr December 23, 2018

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cleveland browner

Used to describe a female with a hot body, and a butt ugly face. The uniform looks good, but the helmet sucks.

Man, that chick has a great ass and nice legs. Wait until she turns around, she's a Cleveland Browner!

by Paddy 'O Furniture May 8, 2007

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamball

A cleveland Steamball is when you or your partiner takes a crap in/on your your/there mouth them he/she will spit it back into your/there mouth

could you please take a cleveland steamball in my mouth

by catman9 May 14, 2006

18πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland, OH

The Mistake on the Lake; the only city to have a river that catches fire; a good view in your rear view mirror; however, they have had a good Symphony over the years, and Jim Brown was a famous Brown; all-in-all, not a place you'd want to go to now if you didn't have to.

Cleveland, OH sucks.
Cleveland, OH is a lousy, old, run-down little town.
The river burned and the people laughed, then they went bankrupt.

by AdamanEve October 10, 2005

98πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland Browns

Taking a nasty ass crap

Hey baby, I am going to take the Cleveland Browns to the Superbowl.

by Cletus VanDamme September 20, 2006

107πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž