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diarrhea of the keypad

a phrase to describe those who write way too frequent and mundane updates and comments via Facebook, Twitter, and text

A: I had to hide Rebecca on FB after the third update about her breakfast in ten minutes!

B: Yeah, me too, she definitely has diarrhea of the keypad.

by Aunto December 27, 2011

Flying Diarrhea

basically means poo that flies

also called 'flying turd' or 'shooting caca'

Joe: i got da flying diarrhea
John: that means ur poo flies LOL

by UrLocalSeagull March 1, 2023

Flying Diarrhea

it basically means shooting diarrhea, and is often referred to as 'flying turd' or 'shooting caca'

Toby: i just got flying diarrhea
John: that means ur poo went flying lol

by UrLocalSeagull March 1, 2023

whistling diarrhea

1. Ask Marie
2. When 'Ass Splatter' turns into a day off *Kelly had nothing to do with it.

"Hey it's Marie, I was 'splatter assing it' earlier but now it's turned into straight 'Whistling Diarrhea!!!'"

by Trap Dandy June 2, 2019

Diarrhea of the mouth

Running your mouth to your boss about stuff your friends tell you. Having to tell all secrets
Ernie loves to tell real and fake rumors to everyone.

He had diarrhea of the mouth. Ernie loves to research everyone and tell everyone about there lives because he has diarrhea of the mouth. He can not help but save everything because he loves to use it when he has a very severe case of diarrhea

by Biglove2 December 9, 2020

Explosive diarrhea

Basically what your ass would feel like if you had the flu.

Explosive diarrhea is not so fun my dude.

by September 15, 2020

bloody diarrhea

Sweaty Bloody shit that exits out of your ass, It's Basiclly when you pee blood but it decides to exit out of your anus,

You will grab your anus hoping that you somehow survive.

i'm having bloody diarrhea!1!!!11!!11!1!1

by such funny June 28, 2018