Source Code

foreign name

Names no American can pronounce

Person: Oh, we got a substitute today. Hope he doesn't butcher foreign names.
Substitute: When I call your name please say "here". Mohansnddnsandasdasd. Is that how you say it?
Mohammad: its not but I'm gonna say yea Yea.

by i identify myself as a whale February 20, 2018

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girl's name

A noun used when a person is wanting to call a male a girl's name such as sally or sue. Girl's Name can be used to indicate any and all girl's names at once.

Guy 1: I feel bloated.
Guy 2: Shut up Girl's Name...that's fucking gay

by loganza June 29, 2009

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Display Name

This is a phrase that refers to the name by which people will see you as on MySpace. It can be anything you want it to be, as long as the length isn't terribly long. Most of the time, display names are the name of the person, but people often use them for self-expression.

Some of the display names I've had are (x ,Moderate to Severe, Vapor in the Wind, Speechless, Cradle The Fall and many others.

by Sifting Through February 15, 2009

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name band

A band of two or more people that has taken the name of one person who is not in the band or who doesn't exist, such as Georgie James or Franz Ferdinand.

"I spent the whole party telling people how brilliant a musician I thought Bishop Allen was before someone told me Bishop Allen's a name band. How embarrassing."

by Brian Whipple March 24, 2008

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facebook name

The unintentional mispronunciation of someone's name because the name is only known via facebook.

The use of a facebook name will kill a conversation.

Person 1:'Hello Rallp-huh Lee-hons, we're friends on facebook.'

Person 2 : 'Actually, my name is pronounced Ralph Lyons, Rallp-huh Lee-hons is my facebook name.'

Person 1: 'Oh...'

Person 2: 'Feeling pretty stupid there, huh?'

Person 1: 'Yep...'

by muddafracker July 5, 2011

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pen name

A fake name one might use when publishing a work or to keep one's identity hidden.

The author who wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn used a pen name. He is known as Mark Twain.

by Failiwillnotfall July 4, 2014

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Aussie Name

The term for a forigner, who has a unusual name typically asian or europeans, which is hard to pronounce for an aussie, so i substitute name is needed

Bob: Hey nice to meet you, im bob and you are?

Muganel: Im Muganel, good thx

Bob: Damn you need an aussie name like shazza or something

by Peter Alexander August 11, 2008

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