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bell nazi

A low-level high school faculty member who begins to drive students away from the cafeteria immediately upon hearing the warning bell.

"Hey, we'd better go to class, the bell nazis are bitching at us again."

by GHS Blows August 24, 2006

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Pot Nazi

one who is espesially against the use of marijuana and takes it upon themselves to tell everyone how they feel.

John: "I smoked weed this weekend..."
Angie: "Marijuana is ILLEGAL! Do you even know what that means?! God! Are you high now? I bet you're going to die. What were you thinking?!!! You are so going to hell."
John:"Ah! You are such a pot nazi!"

by bonehead00000000 January 7, 2011

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Dish Nazi

an annoying manager that makes you wash every dish in the entire resturant. They enjoy being called a Dish Nazi.

"Jeff kept bringing more and more dishes into the sinks, he is such a dish nazi"

"I just did two hours of dishes because April is a dish nazi"

by Joanna W May 19, 2006

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nazi badger

an evil cold hearted pessimistic hypercritical nazi who is intrusive and has no respect for anyone. usually a librarian or teacher.

Goddamn!!! mr neally is such a nazi badger.

by jaime'' October 24, 2007

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Nazi Dope

A slang word for Methamphetamines, or Crystal Meth as it is more commonly known. Nazi Dope is reportedly a much purer form of Meth than usual, however this is not related to the name in any way. The name refers to the original drug of Meth combined with Caffeine, originally created by German scientists during World War II to increase the endurance of their soldiers. Since however the Caffeine element of this War drug has been removed, and the name has stuck.

Nazi Dope Crystal meth ice crank tina

by Depo1 September 10, 2010

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band nazi

A member of any band that insists he is the best one in the band and writes all the music and calls all the shots. Often tells the other band members what to do which directly leads them to talk about him behind his back. Most band nazis are lead guitarists.

Drummer: Kyle is so annoying. Did you see him telling me how to play to that stupid riff he made up?
Singer: Yeah! He fucking sucks.
Bassist: What a band nazi.

by xalcoholx March 12, 2006

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Neo Nazis

People of European descent who support the ideals of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party for a white racial homeland and the freedom for white people to live together as a race and not be enslaved as a host to other parasitic races.

Those guys are Neo Nazis, they believe Hitler was right in concentrating on white countries for white people.

by James509 August 17, 2006

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