The act of getting extremely drunk.
I was so slam boned last night I puked in the bar.
1. A thing you say to someone when they lose an argument
2. Getting ass slammed in the literal sense
The grand slam is the last ass clap before you send your cum to the equivalent of the pussy’s shadow realm.
I gave my girlfriend the grand slam last night
In courtrooms across the United States, prosecutors can frequently get unreasonable with their plea bargains. Public Defenders and private defense attorneys will then agree to demand speedy trial on all of their cases, causing the judge's docket to become hopelessly backlogged and overloaded with cases set for trial. This causes the Judge to make bench offers to clear up his or her docket. It also forces the procecutors to plea out more cases so they can pursue the most dangerous defendants.
A.P.D. #1: these prosecutors are trying to give prison time on sale and delivery of cannabis cases! A.P.D. #2: docket slam them!
Judge: Counselor, what say you on Mr. Smith's case? A.P.D. #3: Ready for trial, your honor.
a liquor slam is the process of chugging down a large bottle of liquor
billy got really wasted after preforming a liquor slam
Keyboard Slamming is the action of rapidly typing random keys normally in all uppercase and can be usually found in TikTok comments.
"Oml can you guys stop Keyboard Slamming and just say, lol, lmao or some shit like that."
To strike something with great enough force to completely destroy both objects involved; to completely consume an entire beverage in a ridiculously minimal amount of time.
Myron: "De Jongh you completely slam powered that guys face!"
De Jongh; "I know but i also shattered all the bones in my hand!"
Cash: "Well lets slam power some brewskies to make that hand feel better!"