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verbal blue balls

The anguish one feels when one hears an incomplete word or sentence out of anticipation and lack of fulfillment or closure.

Everyone gets verbal blue balls for a few moments when Dr. Frankenfurter sings "I see you shiver with antici-"

by b0ses December 4, 2022

pure verbal

Being a pure beta male and not respecpering the pure road man aggy wag1 code

Yo g ur being pure verbal innit don’t get aggy with mans

by therealrufus_2trappay November 25, 2021

verbal battery

the perpetuating of racial stereotypes, usually brought up by one pulling out the race card as an excuse

Kyle: Jay why are you always late
Jay: That's verbal battery, you are perpetuating black stereotypes

by jayslefttit February 12, 2018

verbal s.t.d.

When someone whispers in your ear "The sisillus" and you walk a round randy and you have sex with somebody and they get an s.t.d. you didn't even have

I gave Pricillus a verbal s.t.d.

by GlennZadra May 6, 2020

Junkie verbal spatter

When a low form drug addict talks shit or creates sentences with there small annoying dumb ass minds that are lies or highly exaggerated in order to impress their “victim” (any individual they are speaking to) or to appear to be more then they are/ appear to have more then they do/ appear to be something that they are not/ appear to own something that they do not. In short, verbal communication made by a junkie that is not to be believed, unbelievable or large chains of small talk interconnected that the victim does not give a fuck about.

Man, this fucking guy, just all junkie verbal spatter all day long, I can’t be fucked listening to him.

by False.Pulse June 3, 2022

Verbal Clickbait

A phrase or verbal cue intended to solicit attention or further inquiry from an uninvolved third party.

James looked down at his phone and said "wow, that's so cool", hoping that others around him would rush to his side begging for details.

He always uses verbal clickbait to try to start conversations.

by Brian SJ February 22, 2016

Verbal Whiplash

When someone calls your name, and you turn your head rapidly to respond, but they were actually talking to someone else.

VERBAL WHIPLASH: Say your name is "Gaylord". You're walking down the street and you hear someone say "Gaylord". You react as though they are talking to you, but they are actually talking to their friend, Gaylord.

by invicta9110 July 6, 2011