The Minnesota Vikings are the best team in the NFC. Their team is lead by a fucktard known as Brad Chilress.
The minnesota vikings would have made it to the super bowl if it wasn't for brad childress
- "Who's that pimp in the fur coat with the dad bod?"
- "That's not a dad bod.. that's a viking bod. He only eats eggs on his pizza in case he needs to kick some butt"
When a person uses a paper towel tube as a Viking horn and uses a deep voice replicating a war horn to vibrate a woman's nether region.
My gf was confused when I gave her a Viking whorehorn
To shame people who have been vikinized (i.e. people who suffer from viking fever)
Woman 1: I really like this guy, he has these viking vibes!
Woman 2: Really!! But vikings were brutal and backwards. Why would you like that?!
Woman 1: Well the viking look is very sexy! Don't viking-shame me!
The Viking clap is an extra bad case of the claps.
Not to be confused with the Viking thunder clap used by football fans.
Ah man i tell you, i got a really bad case of the viking claps from this hooker.
A guy that is half normal and half viking, they mostly lives up in the northern of EU
oh, thats an real carl-viking''