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France, officially French Republic, French France or République Française, country of northwestern Europe. Historically and culturally among the most important nations in the Western world, France has also played a highly significant role in international affairs, with former colonies in every corner of the globe. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Alps and the Pyrenees, France has long provided a geographic, economic, and linguistic bridge joining northern and southern Europe. It is Europe’s most important agricultural producer and one of the world’s leading industrial powers.

I have a friend from France

by boredoutofmymind1 June 6, 2021


A common L.

"Rylee is a France."

by PadTophat September 18, 2022


France is a awful place and nothing good happens there people who say its a wonderful place are not smart and nobody likes it there if you say its cool people will just say no to you because France is just no. no france

soon to be ex friend 1: man I went to France and it was wonderful.

smart person: No.

by ew france May 5, 2023


the land of homosexuals

Person 1: I heard he's from France, he might be an interesting guy.
Person 2: He's made of butter and tartar sauce.

by lean luvr February 10, 2022


a place that was colonized by canada because canada colonized france

did you know france was colonized by canada



A no-good country where all they do is drink wine eat snails and smoke whilst thinking they are better than everyone else. FUCK FRANCE (Paris is in France.)

person 1: fuck France I hate France.

person 2: va te faire foutre.

by francehater34 July 20, 2022


A quiet, reserved person, possibly, well most definitely lesbian. She swears to her friends that she isn't but secretly is.

Lesbehonest here, frances is for sure a lesbian

by facedelf33452 October 1, 2021