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donjo’s birthday

may 12, 2004 is the day donjo became born . on this great day , celebrated by many all , he will be remembered as the “emotional white girl support person.”

white girl: OMG it's donjo’s birthday go wish him a happy birthday >.<

by dm.banks May 10, 2020

Birthday Bastard

The bastard who enjoys making birthdays less fun.

A: *Pops all the FUN COLOURFUL balloons and eats ALL the cake.*
B: You bastard.


B: You birthday bastard.

by theSinWack June 9, 2023

plastic birthday

celebrating the person on your fake i.d.'s birthday

"you guys, my plastic birthday's coming up, party?"

"The birthday on my fake id is feb. 16, i'm going to get fucked up under his/her name...it's my plastic birthday"

by sultans_of_pdx February 5, 2010

Birthday rocks

(n) The act of punching a person in the base of the arm on their birthday, depending on their age. (ex. punch a 16 year old in the arm 17 times, 16 for age, one for good luck.)

(v) Punching a person in their arm on their birthday according to their age.

John: Hey Brad, happy birthday!
Brad: Thanks John! Uh, what are you-
John: Birthday rocks!
** John punches Brad in the arm 22 times.
Brad: Agh! Hey! I'm 21!
John: 1 for good luck!

by richardtheIII April 6, 2011

Birthday beats

The birthday boy/girl receives the amount of punches equal to their age and can chose any arm they want, if person is skinny they only have to accept punches from a person of their choice

I am the skinny bday boy only person number 1 can give me birthday beats

by Symbitatch November 15, 2020

birthday boned

An expression used to term birthday sex.

"Ah well that is why she hadn't answered her phone! She was getting birthday boned!"

by Clementilly December 25, 2013

birthday suck

A birthday suck is where a girl will give a guy a blowjob on his birthday. Most of the time it will end in the "birthday cream cake" in which the girl will swallow the guys cum, simulating swallowing whipped cream.

Other Names:
Birthday Suc
Birthday Sucky
Birthday Suckerburg

Lindsey gave Collin a birthday suck then a birthday cream cake. I heard she's good at it.

by Mark SuckerBurg April 3, 2018