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Fluffy February

For the trilogy of months like "No Nut November" or "Destroy Dick December" Fluffy February (FF) could be a month where participants have to choose a certain real or fictional animal (animal characters work too) and talk about them 24/7 with friends and relatives for the whole month.

example of a normal conversation with your friend
You: Hey you participating in Fluffy February?
Your Friend: Yeah man.
You: What animal are you gonna cho- oh wait let me guess-

You and Your friend at the same time: Ralsei
Your friend that talks about deltarune 24/7: wait how did you kno-

by averagedogenjoyer January 24, 2022

Puffy fluffy muffin

What your boyfriend calls you when he adores you.

My sweet puffy fluffy muffin chocolate. You are just too cute.

by princheska May 28, 2020

Fluffy jungle

Fluffy Jungle - descriptive used to describe an unkempt lady garden. Those with a fluffy jungle usually have hygiene issues and can normally be smelt from some distance without the removal of underwear. Often a symptom of venereal disease (VD).

"What's that smell Sharon?"

"It's my foo foo, sorry. I've not had the time to tend the garden and it's like a fluffy jungle down there..."

by TheManTheHero March 12, 2016

fluffy falafel

When you squeeze the shit out of a chicken onto your partner, skin the chicken and slap it on their face, and then stuff your partner in a large pita. Enjoy.

I totally fluffy falafeled Jen last night. So unexpected but a grand time 😏

by Haha345 June 22, 2017

fluffy otter

When the women is laying on her back and the dude is straddling her while titty fucking her and blows a huge load on her face.

“Dude, I totally gave a girl from Georgia a fluffy otter last night!”

by sugartitzzzz August 28, 2019

fluffy huff

a minge that is particuarly hairy and uncomfurtable

jeez that was a fluffy huff i ate last night

by abudbhdqbwhjerdbgy3bqjk3e December 9, 2021

fluffy omelet

A fluffy omelet is when you cum in the girls bush and eat it afterwards

Hey John did you fuck that girl last night.

Yeah bro, I gave her a fluffy omelet.

Bro thats fucking disgusting.

by Cunt Cunterson March 22, 2018