The cryptic alphanumeric morphed phrase used to progress further along in websites to avoid computer generated requests
I can't read that fuck you gram, and therefore will have to try again to get those tickets.
"Fuck You AL" is a phrase you would use in UNO™ when an "AI" or "AL" plus 4's or plus 2's you during a match.
Topher: *plays UNO*
AI Dusty: *Lays down a plus 4*
Topher: Fuck you Al*
when you want to tell Perry aka Agent P to fuck off
Perry: yo wassup
me: fuck you perry
friend: whats your username on urban dictionary
me: fuck you 69420
friend: oh.
The opposite of a Friendly Fade. A Fuck You Fade is when someone pretty much says "Fuck you! I don't want to be together anymore."
Tyler pulled the Fuck You Fade on Brittany. He didn't even try to be nice about it and use the Friendly Fade. What a douche!
Any shade of the color blue which is associated with an act of malice towards others. It can also be used as a way to describe said act. Such an act is usually of an overkill/embarrassing manner which results in total humiliation and/or annihilation. A prime example of both the color and the act would be the Blue Shell in Mario Kart.
I have but one fuck to give in this race and that's a Fuck You Blue straight up your tailpipe!
2👍 1👎
An ethical fuck you is when someone does something big, something great for you with the intentions of never having to see you or hear from you again.
For example when you want to serve a specific employer, that employer arranges a transfer within the organisation or a transfer to another organisation, making sure that the transfer comes with far more greater job opportunities, freedoms, power of influence, far greater superiors and far more than you could ever expect from the job or work environment. That's the ethical part, the fuck you part is all and only in the motives, which is to get rid of you and make sure you are gone for good.
In the dating world, an ethical fuck you is when you get rejected, then that girl or boy is smart and powerful enough to transform you from average into alpha so that you can get a girl/boyfriend that is far better in every way than the person that just rejected you. Again, when all this hard work is done, the only motive is to get you out of his or her life forever.
An ethical fuck you is not an ethical fuck you if you have asked, paid, made, forced or manipulated the person to transfer or transform you. It is an ethical fuck you only when the process of transferring or transforming you is done purely by his or her own idea without any outside influence.
Person one: All I ever wanted was to be an assistance of a teacher in an elementary school. This one school took me in, when no one else did, trained me better everyone else ever could and created opportunities beyond anything I could ever dream of. They are giving me training that is effective enough to give me the skills of a class room teacher. But there is one thing that doesn't add up. Why would they go through all the trouble and invest so much of their resources on me when they made it clear that they will not continue the contract once it ends.
Person two: Maybe they wanted to make sure you are skillful enough to be accepted everywhere else so they don't have to see or hear from you ever again or worry that you would quit on your dreams. They just showed you their ethical middle finger.
Person one: Out of all the rejections I have ever encountered, the last one was of its own kind. Unlike the rest of the people I have ever known, this specific one trained me well and then hooked me up with dates with people far more attractive and had much more commonalities and common interest than the one that just rejected me. Do I have a guardian angel or what?
Person two: Sounds to me like you got an ethical fuck you. No offense but it's sometimes people do right for the wrong reasons. Maybe the reason for doing all this good was to get rid of you. But then again, whoever rejected you succeeded in something that everyone else has failed in.