Source Code

Juicy Grape

The act of lubricating the testicles and then accidentally consuming them. Can be used as an expression if someone badly fucked something up or literally if you're like that.

Man, Donald really Juicy Grape'd that pass.

by Pugglefish March 7, 2014

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Juicy Endpoint

An anal creampie from a techguy.

Guy sees hot IT intern at the company car wash and says, "When I see you my floppy disk turns into a hard-drive. Your working hard, your ASSets must be pretty parched and need some hydration. How about I send my payload and give you a juicy endpoint."

by ItKeepsComing March 16, 2022

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Juicy woot

An exclamation of approval in response to sexually-charged content, actions, or statements.

Woman: I'm horny. Let's fuck.
Man: Juicy woot.

by Juicy Woot December 15, 2006

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Juicy Fruit

if you want to become a gold fish have it quick.

that's what they showed on the commercial.

by Rob April 24, 2005

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juicy boi

A perfectly plump boi who sweats to bursting when exposed to any amount of acknowledgement or too many Yelp reviews.

This pumpkin is such a perfect juicy boi

by juicyboi October 30, 2017

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Juicy Couture

Juicy couture is a heffa on myspace who needs to learn how to use photoshop.
She needs lipo and looks like she should live in a sty.

"That Juicy Couture of myspace.com is a hoe fersure" or "JUICY COUTURE, DAMN YOU FAT"

by KilledHannah! September 23, 2008

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juicy cooter

An oblivious bitch, a stuck-up broad, the kind of chick you love to hate. Most often found wandering aimlessly through department stores smacking gum while screaming into a cell phone.

ex 1:
Girl #1, being shouldered by girl talking on cell walking past: "Wow! Did you see that? She just totally shouldered me and didn't even say excuse me, not to mention acknowledge my existence!"
Girl #2: OMG, what a juicy cooter!"

ex 2:
Dude #1: So get this, last night my old lady totally drank the last beer and wouldn't let me have a swig of it before she slammed it down!"
Dude #2: Dude, total juicy cooter move. Not cool.

by y3n March 14, 2008

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