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scene kids

dumbasses who all look the fucking same. they hang with some few preppy kids. they LOVE paramore. they hangout in groups of 5 more scene kids or more. South Jersey has way to many of them. they all smoke and drink. their all assholes with NO life, yet they clam to love life. their vain as all shit. they talk shit on everybody, including their friends. most of them have fake hair, so it can be way to long and 50 different colors. they all listen to hardcore music and most of them try to mosh. they will claim their not scene at all.

ashwee "like omg i cant believe that girl called us scene kids, im so tough im gonna fight her."

so called friend "ashwee, you weight like 2 pounds. why dont we just glue in our extentions and go to that paramore show?"

by southjerseygirlerin January 1, 2008

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Scene Kid

Teenager that looks similarly like an emo.
Wears tight pants and odd colored clothing.
Think they're the "bomb" and is common dress for boys and girls.
Really need to dress more appropriatly and get a life.
They all look like Robots.

Most Middle School kids.Scene kids are all a bunch of freaks

by kingjt13 February 17, 2009

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Scene Kid

Noun. Refers to homosexuals are gender-confused, they like to dress in bright colors and generally be huge pricks. They enjoy taking cookie-cutter pictures and saying overused internet memes (see: 4chan is for fags). All of them are immature kids in high school who aren't cool enough to be emo (which is also not cool, it's just below wiggers, and right about niggers). Everyone hates scene kids because they are unoriginal and listen to shitty music with no meaning (see: Screamo). "Scene Kid" in 100% of cases is synonymous with homosexuals who were molested as children.

Scene kids love sucking large cocks, or stuffing them up their twelve year old assholes.

by Fortran09 August 28, 2009

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black scene kids

The person that wrote the last entry is flat out wrong...
A scene kid is a scene kid.
Wild hair, caked on make-up, obnoxiously obsessed with shows, either straightxedge or hardxcore, and usually has thousands of friends on a popular social networking site. Race doesn't matter. Tard.

see scene kid.

1: Look at their hair!
2: Haha yeah, they've got "scene" hair
1: Awesome. They don't look white to me though.
2: Mhmm. So what? Black scene kids are "scene" nonetheless.

by nxh December 29, 2009

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Scene Kid Throwdown

To Beat the living puke out of a group of slam dancing scene kids in a mosh pit.

Friend: Hey dude, do you see those slam dancing scene kids in that pit?

Me: Yah bro, its time for a Scene Kid Throwdown!!!

by sPkBoi!!! January 24, 2010

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[scene kids]

Someone, girl or guy, who likes to dress and listen to certain music like the rest of the scene kids.clothing consists of bandanas, bows, lots of accessories, band t-shirts, tight jeans, leopard print, etc.
Music is usually angst-y, something along the lines of skinny puppies/from first to last.
Pretty much a pathetic excuse of a life, pretend that their non'conformists when they have really been conforming in some way all along.. hmm. makes ya think.

example. scene kids
*scene girl* Omg. Lets all go get t-shirts with bands or old school pokemon/dinosaurs/hello kitty and be rad and have lame-ass names, such as kayla-Rawr, and dye our hair every two weeks because we need to have a different edge all the time, and get piercings and think lower of the so called "conformists", even though we are all dressing the same, and listening to the same music, and acting the same.. hmm.. EXCEPT! We can't say we're scene. Or else we really won't be scene, cause then we won't get any scene points... then we won't have anything to do with our lives. D:
ohmigod. i'm out of HAIRSPRAY!! Now what the fuck can i do?!?!

by ____(blank) August 14, 2008

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Scene Kid

I have, however, never seen the scene kid reproductive system. I have reason to believe its very much like yours and mine, but their mating patterns are very different, they seem to mate with several partners at any one time in the space of a few days ,and never ever commit to a single partner. I have called this system "Whorus Maximus...". They also seem to adorn tribal tattoos, often two swallows, across either the chest or stomach. I believe this to represent a unity they will never experience due to being "Whorus Maximus


by Just Meeeeeeee February 22, 2011

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