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Intentional phonetic spelling of "Oh my god". If said, it would be fast and all one word "like, ohmigod!" The word prefix 'like' is often placed in front of it. The phrase is used mostly by pre-teen and teenage girls and should in no way be a means of deducing the person's I.Q. - but it pretty much speaks for itself anyway.

Like, ohmigod, I totally dreamed that Matt Damon was kissing me!
Ohmigod, no way!

by glitterfaerie January 31, 2003

40πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

ohmigod variant

how valley girls refer to the omicron covid variant.

β€œhey suzy, did you hear about the new ohmigod variant? it’s - like - sooooo contagious.”

by dankhaddock December 22, 2021