all members of the common class within the social group.
all members of the social group who are not members of the economic and political elite and are members of the common class are also referred to as the social majority.
Being completely fed up with humanity and needing to take a break from all social interaction for a period of time.
After having lunch with my friends and listening to their incessant whining for three hours I will be embarking on a social fast.
Social dining is when someone goes out for dinner (generally with a group, or to meet up with a group) in the early hours of the evening (between 4:00pm and 6:00pm), and don't come home until late that night or early the next morning (between 10:00pm and 1:00am). This is referred to as social dining because it is not possible to spend that much time eating, and the social aspect causes the extended time period. Sometimes social dining involves going to multiple restaurants.
I'm babysitting from 4:00 to 11:00 tonight. The parents must be going social dining.
We're going out social dining tonight, so we'll be home late.
An alternative to drunk, sloshed, plastered, etc. but avoiding the stigma surrounding alchohol abuse.
Saying to someone, "I'm not pissed, I'm socialibly relaxed".
A Social Conservative who is at odds the current social and political norms in Western Countries. Seeking to regress social progress of the country they live in back to a period before Woman's Rights, LGBTQ Rights, and Civil Rights gains made in the country they live in occurred.
A Social Regressive are ok with the disenfranchment of any social or political forces from having any say in matters of government. Going as far as to except totalitarian regimes in their country as long as such a regime regresses the social changes made in the country back to time that social conservatives deem acceptable, and then proceeding to lock out any opposition groups from being able to change things back. This includes rigging representation in the country's government to not represent any social and political groups that oppose them.
Social Regessives loath people that protest their agenda and are willing to approve of government or private groups using violence to repress groups that oppose their agenda.
The Social Regressive screamed at the School board meeting about how books that contradicted his religious views should be removed from the shelves and burned.
A girl who acts like a hoe on social media, but gets offended if they get the very type attention they are seeking.
Person 1: remember that girl Mariah that has all the tattoos and posts slutty pictures on Instagram?
Person 2: how could I forget? Shes a Major social hoe
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“The use of popular forms of media - including but not limited to, audio, video, internet and print - to memorialize the actions of others and/or an avail-able body of facts in order to prove that a proposition is true or valid.”
A tremendously long line and wait at a restaurant would be Social Evidence that the food must be good!