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Son of a crackwhore

When saying "Son of a bitch" is not enough, this is used to add a bigger insult to said individual's mother.

What the fuck you done, you son of a crackwhore!

by Tittyticklerologist September 14, 2009

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bitch son

Refering to ones blood related, or adopted son.

Joe is Charlie's bitch son.

by cshine February 16, 2006

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Son Of A Sodomite

A turn of phrase that is similar to, son of a bitch. It is usually said out of anger, frustration, or directly towards a person with animosity.

Guy 1: Hey, did you take out the trash? It's garbage day.

Guy 2: Oh, I forgot to take it out, sorry.

Guy 1: Ah, you son of a sodomite, now the garage will smell like unwashed pubic hair for a week.

by Denim Valentine October 18, 2022

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Son of a yip

Pam-i-am's most catchy phrase line
Used in the modern form of speech when expressing annoyance, specifically when your international super spy mission has been failing multiple times recently because your poor son is obsessed with you

Sam: hey mom what does this button do

*major explosion occurs*

Pam: son of a yip

by GremlinPie April 11, 2022

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Go Son!

Bogan phrase.
Shows enthusiasm towards an event that has occured.
i) As a sign of high achievment
ii)in place of "You're in!!", which has sexual connotations

Matt: Hey Pete, Mr. Cameron gave me full marks for that History Assignment!

Pete: GO SON!!

Matt: Hey Pete, Mr. Cameron gave me full marks for that History Assignment!

Pete: GO SON!!

by Jeffzzzzzz September 17, 2008

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good son

When an act of something good takes place , "good son" is said to the person in which the act occurs.

Wully said to Alison "GOOD SON" when she wanted to have sex with him.

by William Shaw Duncan Jr. December 10, 2007

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son of a peehole

n. (sลญn รคv ฤ pฤ“-hลl). designation of birth right for a male whose conception was directly contributed from his father's penis vise accidental leakage or broken condom.

You son of a peehole! Aren't you the prim, proper conceptual example of the yuppie experiment!

by YumiSpewns February 21, 2011

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