An semi-incestual relationship with a parent or sibling.
"That mother and son sure do act weird together. I bet they're in a Gotwalls Situation".
A statement said when there is a nothing you can realistically do in a situation.
Often responded simply as "Id need to intervene"
"Hey John what would you do in this situation?"
(Shows video of a semi hauler truck falling down a cliff during a blizzard)
"I'd have to intervene!"
A situation, so random and out of the norm, that you can only class it as a Lydia situation.
Lydia stayed the night at a guys house (who's she's seeing) and wakes up to a random guy in the room on the DJ decks jamming out. "That's a Lydia situation!"
A lulotte situation is that awkward moment between two friends just before they go into a relationship together
I really like Charlotte but but we’re just in a lulotte situation right now and there’s not much I can do
When you want someone to do something cause they want to, not because you told them you want it
"I want him to apologize, it's a flower situation"
A scenario that is beyond your control and past your capabilities of handling.
The kitchen caught on fire and the dog got out. It was a real 50 dick situation.
A complement that is worded so that it only applies in the situation the complement is given.
"You look pretty today"
"You were so good this time!"
"I had fun with you tonight"
"This is such a good picture of you!"
"Haley's always giving me situation-specific complements! Like she never just complements me, she has to say 'right now' at the end which basically implies that I suck most of the time and she's surprised that I'm not totally fucking up at the moment"