The feeling you get after taking psychedelics. or to quote Juice WRLD's rich and blind "Sometimes when I'm high, I feel high in reverse" .
Bro 1:"Are you high"
Bro 2: "No I'm delic psycho"
Unnecessary, unprovoked, out of pocket behavior.
"She ran the Chipotle challenge Strava segment 100 times in a row. Ultimate psycho move." - Brandon
An insult to use to a person when you’re projecting your own behaviors onto them.
Betty: “you’re kind of entitled”
Mark: “I’m incredibly offended! you’re a malignant psycho!”
best song in the world (real) (really good) (xd) (miiniton) (scary pig) (ball)
the piggy is very scary in psycho pig (very scary) (very scary)
this happens on October 17, it’s a day to raise awareness for all the psychos in the world
Person 1: Hey, did you know it’s psycho awareness day?
Person 2: No i didn’t
Person 1: They created this day because most psychos were born in October
Person 2: That is very creepy
This was taken down by the fbi
“You know to much, I know where you live”
Psycho nugget 3000 not found
A McJuggerNuggets viewer who only watches McJuggerNuggets for mass destruction videos, usually has low-functioning autism.
Guy 1 (Neurotypical): Man I love certain MJN series like My Virtual Escape and Rule 19, it really shows Jesse's expertise in storytelling and acting.
Guy 2 (Psycho Brain): Haha pyscho dad brek stuf *down syndrome noises*