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Too woke to poke

Used to describe a man who’s so woke he can’t bring himself to touch a ladies genitalia.

Sam: Curtis and Susan seem to have been getting on well, I bet she’ll be getting fingered in the toilets later.

Tony: Not a chance, Curtis is too woke to poke!

by Chrish77 February 3, 2020

25πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

too much loft

Is a sarcastic derogatory double entendre , usually made after a terrible golf shot. The key is the acronym l.o.f.t. meaning lack of fucking talent. It is best used against an unsuspecting victim who presumes by loft you mean the loft of the golf club.

Playing partner, "I think you had too much loft on that shot."
Shot maker, "No, I just caught it a little fat."
Playing partner, "By L.O.F.T. I meant lack of fucking talent, dillweed."

by keifermail July 27, 2008

375πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

thinking too much

a facebook page where people who think too much can gather and feel normal and not feel like the overly analytical person that's unable to socialize properly. silly/quirky/insightful/downright stupid status updates from the moderator (beleived to be a man by the name of kevin vestal) make this one of the best non official pages on facebook. periodic status updates are sure to make you either smile, think, or just shit your pants

I found a good site that accomodates my thinking too much: facebook.com/thinkingtoomuch

by sacred florence December 6, 2010

59πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Too Much Sauce

The act of being extremely fly. Typically draped in designer having loads of confidence and clout

Got diamonds on all of my fingers thats too much sauce

by She wolf August 22, 2016

442πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

too much information

An expression of exasperation and disgust when a person is divulging personal details of his sex life, toilet habits, or anything the listener finds disgusting, uninteresting, and unwelcome.

"I'm still dating Susie, but her vagina has a foul odor. Still we made love three times last night, and once I let her go on top."
"Too much information!"

by Erik Ritter November 18, 2007

108πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

all too well

It's when you know something too much that you can't forget or un-see it.

I know that smell all too well.

by EthanTheComposer February 4, 2017

88πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Y-you too

that thing you always say at the wrong time!

1. Waitress: "Enjoy your drink!"
You: "Y-you too"
2. Your Friend That Loves Foot Ball: "That game was grate last night!"

You: Y-you too

by 6669satinist#notreallyButkinda November 1, 2016

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž