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Optimoji effect

When you know exactly what an emoji that doesn’t exist would look like, causing you to believe in it’s existence and search for it for an unreal amount of time

-There has got to be a circular saw emoji... I’ve seen it!
-Maybe it’s the optimoji effect?

by Pjhascircularsaws February 12, 2018

Jangrow Effect

When a high school freshman female gets into a relationship with a senior.

Did you hear about Jennifer? She fell into the Jangrow Effect.

by Im a llama April 26, 2018

the squiddle effect

when you buy something of great value only for it to become piss cheap

I bought a twisted bow the other day, thank god for the squiddle effect otherwise I would have had to pay 1088m instead of the 35gp I got it for today

by joy emoji July 29, 2017

xbox effect

When a bro still thinks his ex is hot but everyone else in the room isn't going to comment on it.

She's a 5 at best dude, you're suffering from the Xbox effect.

by Stupidfindsaway February 11, 2018

The Clauren Effect

A titilating tinkle experience when listening to certain sounds aka test tubes clinking

The tingly noise your keys just made gave me a heavy clauren effect aka The Clauren Effect

by Dopey1234 October 19, 2018

The Teejer Effect

A Minecraft player who censors other players when he is proven wrong or disagrees with the topic at hand. Targets individuals who he isn't fond of and strikes, finding any way possible to remove them from his life. A man with a massive ego, feels that because of his higher position he can ditch his old friends and become friends with people in higher places, only to look down upon his old friends and act as though they are toxic and disrespectful when they share jokes and have fun. Worse than feminazi in terms of censorship.

"My friend was exposed to the Teejer Effect, now he doesn't like me because I try and joke around with him."
"Mark Pat-Joe Bill-Dinosaur was banned by the guy caught in the Teejer Effect because he proved the latter wrong."

by DaBrickShaw September 17, 2017

the aethelbeorn effect

A phenomenon, where the game claims to be slightly more popular than it’s competitor, then being taken down and remade can’t even compete due to it being dead.

"Yo dude, blackout revival is gosh darn dead😭"

"I know, the aethelbeorn effect hit them hard"

by timothynick October 11, 2024