Source Code

Stale pop tart crust

Noun: the magic food no one actually likes, but it is necessary.
Noun: my name

Dave: I never eat the stale pop tart crust, only the magic inside.
Don: I do.

Dave: yea well you’re a creep.

Stale pop tart crust is the bomb at making definitions. He is useful.

by Stale pop tart crust January 1, 2020

Morse Code Mouth Popping

Using your mouth and lips to create popping sounds to recreate morse code. This can be used when communicating with friends and coworkers in a new way so no one will know exactly what it is you are talking to each other about.

A bank teller used MCMP (morse code mouth popping) to alert a coworker she was being robbed to alert the authorities without the suspect in question even knowing!

by MCMP January 29, 2011

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pop him off

A. To sexually attract someone in an anal way!

B. to inject the male penis into an asshole!

C. to kill trevor's brother

D. to add an s to the everything you say

A. Hey come here ay, i want to pop him off!

b. Ccc lets pop him off

c. I'm gonna pop him off.
- who your brother
Yeah, my brother

d. mike ds

by cheesetitsbranny February 8, 2009

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grass cutting cherry popping

the act of shaving a females pubic region as foreplay prior to her first encounter of sexual intercourse.

i went out grass cutting cherry popping last night

by the lone sexer February 25, 2010

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A Steaming Bowl Of Ranky pops

1) The worst breakfast cereal in the world.

2) To be utterly disgusted by a situation that presents itself.

3) An expression you would say if something really smells bad.

If you play really bad at something e.g football and someone asks you about your performance, you can say. "It was A Steaming Bowl Of Ranky Pops". This means it was bad.

If someone lets one go!! You can say "Oh! thats A Steaming Bowl Of Ranky Pops!".

You can use it in all aspects if describing something as being bad or off etc.

by McGhoo1 October 14, 2006

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Turkey Timer has popped

To be past one's prime; no longer desirable or relevant, AND be oblivious to the fact.

Related expressions include "His ship has sailed", "old news", "yesterday's potatoes".

"Did you hear Chevy Chase is getting a new show this fall?"

"No way, man... talk about a guy whose turkey timer has popped."

by AP in DC May 16, 2008

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Desk Pop

When you accidentally/prematurely shoot your load during sex.

Sex with Amy was great, but I had a desk pop and now she won't text me back.

by dp4vp April 20, 2018

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