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Green Eye

Similar to Pink Eye, Green Eye is an eye infection caused by a female queefing in your eye. Symptoms include grittiness/irritation and a stringy green discharge that forms a crust around the infected eye.

This girl queefed in my face and now I have green eye.

by brickedup November 14, 2011

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Egyptian Third Eye

The act of taking a shit without wiping then siting on your partners forehead, leaving a brown ring resembling a "Third Eye".

Last night in bed John gave me an Egyptian Third Eye

by Dr. JP December 8, 2009

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Black eye drunk

When you Drink so much that there is a "good" chance that you will fall over and cause some sort of bodily harm.

I rally want to drink tonight but make sure I don't get black eye drunk. I am all out of sick days and it is embarrassing wearing sunglasses to work.

by Nowaybiged September 23, 2008

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Chinny Moon Eye

To Poke fun at someone's mis-fortune.

Normally accompanied by pointing to you Chin, Knee the moon and then your eye.

'I only got 26% in my test'

"Chinny Moon Eye"

by Bondi Frank May 13, 2010

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Biggie Smalls eye

To carry oneself in such a way that one's facial impediment is not a draw back to one's success.

He got a strait up Biggie Smalls eye but the ladies still love him.

by slixterdaddy August 1, 2016

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brown eye booger

What you call a small nut shard (peanut, almond, etc.) that gets caught around the outer edge of your anus causing an itchy, uncomfortable feeling. A common post poop occurance 1-2 days after eating any form of nut.

Pat: Why do you keep dancing around like that?
Jeremy: I ate a bunch of almonds last night and I keep gettting brown eye boogers in my ass. Be back in a minute, I need a re-wipe.

by turnyourface August 6, 2010

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Brown Eye Breathing

When a couple in love decides to take their intimacy to the next level. Much like sharing a held breath between locked lips, with the same breath being given and taken by each other, Brown Eye Breathing can be planned or accidental when a couple is butt-to-butt. When one farts and the other takes it in, and then farts to return it. The sharing of one fart.

I know my boyfriend loves me. Last night, as we were going to bed, we did some brown eye breathing. We share everything. He is so romantic!

by TwoLoveBirdsInTheRain January 7, 2011

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