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green screen kid

a retarded content stealing piece of shit that is the result of unprotected incest.

Bob: that green screen kid deserves to be crucified!

by Death Metal and BlackMetal fan February 12, 2024

Green screen kid

A kid on YouTube shorts who duets videos with a green screen while hiding their face in the corner and not contributing to the video at all, to steal content and farm views.

(kid using green screen effect on YouTube shorts)
Commenter: get off the app green screen kid

by Invetix_WxYz February 18, 2024

green screen kid

A person on YouTube that is under the age of 13 that uses the green screen feature on YouTube to steal people's content.

Recently, green screen kids have been ruining YouTube.

by anonacc6468 June 10, 2024

green screen kid

Little kids who steal other people’s videos by putting themselves up in the corner without giving any credit, and somehow ALWAYS SOMEHOW END UP GETTING MORE VIEWS THAN THE ORIGINAL CREATORS.

This green screen kid stole my video!!

by WillTheBozo February 14, 2024

green screen kid

someone on YouTube shorts that steals content that’s actually good and makes it worse by putting a 2 year old’s face in the corner

Person 1: This video is really funny!
Person 2: Oh, I found another one of those STUPID GREEN SCREEN KIDS in the corner, say #stopgreenscreenkids in the comments.
Person 1: 🐸

by IAMANOODLE January 15, 2024

Green screen kids

Little kids on YouTube who steal videos and green screen them

Person 1: Hey look at this video
Person 2: It’s a green screen video
Person 1: I hate these fucking green screen kids

by Dawawaak January 16, 2024

green screen kid

A person that makes low effort videos on YT shorts by plastering their face on another short (content theft)

Person 1: Hey dude look at my video
Person 2: I saw that short somewhere before. Don't be a green screen kid.

by Nintencat April 1, 2024