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Egg Fish Lure

A game, nearly identical to the hit sensation Rock Paper Scissors, but with arguably better logic. Lure beats (or catches) fish, fish beats (or eats) egg, and egg beats (or avoids) lure. When ready to play each player yells "Egg, Fish, Lure, Cast!" How to play: Egg is much like rock, as you ball your hand up into a fish much like you're going to fist bump someone, (and if someone plays lure they wont be able to hook onto your hand). Fish looks like a C-shaped grip, like a fish's mouth would (and if you win against egg you put your whole hand around the other persons hand). Lure is a sideways shaped J, (and when winning against fish, you link to the other person's cupped hand and yank it up like a fish). Ideally meant to be played on Fishmas, a fish themed celebratory holiday in December.

Carter: "Ready for our annual tournament of Egg Fish Lure?" JD: "Yep, bring it on loser!" Both: "Egg, Fish, Lure, Cast!" *Carter has thrown Fish, and JD has thrown Lure, making him the winner*

by AFellowMalaysian November 11, 2024

A whole different kettle of fish

a different situation or person to be dealt with

I've watched you a lot on Instagram, but in person? Whoof! That's a whole different kettle of fish!

by johnzilla1126 May 20, 2024

Thats the way the fish flops!

Another way to say "Thats the way the cookie crumbles"'

Used to say that there's nothing you could've done to change the outcome of something

Person 1: "Damn i just got fired from my job"

Person 2: "Well, y'know what they say: thats the way the fish flops!"

by Nopyyy October 25, 2023

dried fish

A girl/woman with a flat chest; no breasts

"Her chest was as flat as a dried fish"

"Omg so true"

by the.weird.person February 17, 2017

hunt or gather women or fish

A mistaken line said in the trailer for an Xbox game, meant to be would you rather hunt or gather berries or fish

1. Discover, Explore, would YOU rather hunt or gather women or fish?

by Rey mysterifaggot November 27, 2015

fish on a treadmill

socially and emotionally awkward

when you are left high and dry , especially in an unfamiliar environment you shouldnt be surprised if you feel like a fish on a treadmill

by Sexydimma February 23, 2017

Erotic Fish

1) Agressively licking a fish to turn your partner on
2) Seafood smothered in cum

Would you like an Erotic Fish, sir?

by H4XOR13 September 25, 2021