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Donald J. Trump

The idiot that somehow became president. The guy who will be the death of America as we know it. He pussy grabs women, and treats people of other sexualities and races like scum, even tho the real scum is him.

Donald j. trump's hair looks like my pubes.

by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020

795πŸ‘ 890πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

word used to mean useless,nonsense,egocentric and worthless

your girl better stops asking money from you before she becomes Donald J. Trump

by twitchcool69 May 9, 2020

794πŸ‘ 884πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

A chad who has to deal with hypocritic libtards bullshit.

Chad 1: I feel bad for Donald J. Trump cuz he has to deal with these libtards, it's crazy how they are trying to fuck over the people who protect them and the people who put food on their tables.
Chad 2: I know right, half these libtards don't know the difference between a crescent wrench and a combination wrench but they want to ostracize the few people who do.
Snow flake: Noooooooo, defund the police and lets pass policies that fuck over farmers who are not eco friendly with their large plots of land that they care for and keep free of trash!!!

by Undead1D10T December 10, 2020

127πŸ‘ 1217πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

A brave American hero, patriot, and nationalist. He is constantly fighting for the people of America’s freedoms, trying to save us from our fucked over country from the Jackasses and Rhinos.

Donald J. Trump, also known as Donald Trump, helped our economy gigantically.

by Travis13000 January 8, 2021

120πŸ‘ 362πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

The 45th president and the 3rd best after Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and is well known for his build a wall plan

Donald J. Trump was president

by Franklin Smiths May 24, 2021

116πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States of America. A gentleman of his word. A gentleman who did all the things he said he would do as POTUS for the greatest country in the world.

Donald J. Trump, greatest president ever.

by Nykimeow December 4, 2020

120πŸ‘ 1221πŸ‘Ž

Trans Trump Supporter

When a person becomes so obsessed with hating on Donald Trump they start to constantly think about him 24/7. Signs of a Trans Trump Supporter usually include not going a single day without tweeting about Trump 10 times a day and always constantly thinking about what Trump is doing. They go to sleep thinking about Trump and wake up thinking about Trump. A Transbronsexual would be the LeBron equivalent of this type of behavior.

To see a perfect example of a Trans Trump Supporter, See Scott Dworkin's Twitter.

by TheGrayWriter June 20, 2020

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž