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Urban Dictionary

....the site you happen to be using right now. Come on, you’re smarter than this. Go look up something else.

Person 1: I found the true definition of Morgz on the Urban Dictionary.
Person 2: What’s the definition?
Person 1: Just tap or click Morgz!
Person 2: ...are you ok?
Person 1: N o I ‘ m n o t

by El_stupido January 10, 2020

Urban Dictionary

The Urban Dictionary is a hilarious and amazing website, is purpose being to amuse users while informing them with some pretty interesting word definitions. Users can create their own definitions for words and if they are lucky, have them published on this fantastic website! If you are reading this, it means I was one of the chosen few!

I’m bored, oh I know, I’ll look at hilarious word definitions on the Urban Dictionary ! That’s always guaranteed to make me laugh!

by Nadiaisoneofmybesties March 17, 2019

urban dictionary

The best sight on the interwebs

Person: Looking up Urban Dictionary on Urban dictionary are you, so meta

by The Bone...er May 16, 2016

Urban dictionary

Wow, you must be really bored if you searched for this.

Urban dictionary, the place where everything is related to either drugs or sex.

by senuvecis September 30, 2021

Urban Dictionary

Where people go to spout their unwanted opinion on things that nobody cares about as soon as it happens. Basically wikipedia editors but worse.

Urban Dictionary User: I hate (insert thing here), let me go to Urban Dictionary to express my unwanted opinion

by isbased October 23, 2023

Urban Dictionary

Scuffed Wikipedia

Wow Apparently I’m Hot According To The Urban Dictionary.

by Jekkkwk April 20, 2021


When you are so bored you create words on the Urban dictionary

I love the urban dictionary

by March 2, 2022