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Green jeep

Another term for anal

Person 1: Do you think he is cute?
Person 2: Yeah, I'd let him in my green jeep

by Grandmasterphunk January 30, 2022

Forgetting the green tea

When a man does insignificant that enrages your significant other.

Dana Yesterday was garbage day, did you take it to the curb?
Ernest No I completely forgot.

Dana forgetting the green tea! I’m not surprised.

by Secrete sauce June 27, 2021

green blobs

A word used by Anix in his spongebob bloxburg video.

There were green blobs on the road.

by insertnameherelol February 23, 2021

kentucky green

When you eat to much pistachio ice cream and your shot comes out green you than spread it in your partners chest.

Dude I totally gave my girl friend a Kentucky green last night.

She got so mad at me!

by Bbr12367 October 25, 2017

Walking on the green

I'm still Walking on the green side .

It's a informal way of saying your alive and well

Hey Champ how are you ? " I'm still walking on the green side ."

by Giorgio.Toronto July 9, 2019

Green Boy

When a boy is covered in goop and he no nay may on the kay tay and before you know it hes a green boy

Yooooo, suck it Green Boy!

by to reduce area of a sail moo April 3, 2022

Green Boy

It means the Minecraft Speedrunner called Dream, people call him that for jokes.

I won't subscribe to that Green Boy.

by Willbursoot June 7, 2021