Google him he's famous on twitch and YouTube as a variety streamer, pretty good shit. One of his most infamous quotes in stream was "Anyways if you see Gabe tell him Simon Cowell died" referring to his friend and roommate who Is a big Simon Cowell enthusiast but has recently been involved in an accident with a garbage truck. Joe claims to be 5% jewish and 95% German, I believe this is false but I cant prove him wrong yet yet yet
Person 1: whatcha doing?
Person 2: Joe Bart games.
Person 1: the one who said "Anyways if you see Gabe tell him Simon Cowell died"?
Person 2: yet yet yet
Joe Elliott is a ur mom sayer he sailed the sevens and is related to Christopher Columbus he’s from Africa
“Who’s joe Elliott”
“Oh you mean Jamaican Christopher Columbus”
An avid steroid user, gym rat.
Spends much of their 20’s in high school, despite missing many classes.
Hey what is joe fontano doing here, shouldn’t he of graduated last year?
A telemarketer. A person who follows a script mindlessly according to a set pattern.
Roomba Joe is on the job. I interrupted his speech and he had to restart it.
A telemarketer who rigidly follows his sales script.
I interrupted a Roomba Joe during his pitch forcing him to start over.