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eagle eye cherry

a one-hit wonder hip dude singer of 'save tonight', unfortunately eagle eye didn't 'save any money' and is now working in a checkers factory for petty cash. called eagle eye due to the fact he has glaucoma and its made his eyes shrink.

EEC "can i have a payrise?"
Boss Checker "what? get bent!
EEC "what if i sing a song?"
BC "bugger off"

by failure33object April 24, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood in my Eye

(N.) A phrase Hip-Pop Muppet Ja Rule says a lot when he's on his period. (kinda lke Jon Bon Jovi!) He usually says it as a secret phrase to Ashanti, signaling her to go out and by some Tampax for them again.

Ja Rule uses Beer Tampons when he's on his period. Women, you should know better. Use Tampax! That way you won' get no "Blood in my Eye".

by G-Union December 9, 2003

15๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brown eye blues

The Brown eye blues is the condition caused by getting pounded in the rectum/anus/asshole too hard which leads to blue and black bruised butthole. Often times is caused by or is a result of butt rape and butt vikings are notorious for causing this condition.

Look at Willie trying to walk. HAHAHA he cant because he was in jail last night and now he has the Brown eye blues

by saharadryhumor February 7, 2015

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Making Eye Candy

Making Eye Candy is when you stare at someone male/female, long enough that you start to play sexual fantasies of them in your head. If they're only moderately attractive they can become drop dead gorgeous if you look at them enough.

I was making eye candy of Georgia in Pottery class.

by Kinesis February 11, 2012

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left eye lobo

A cantakerous highly volitile army veteran, he usually hangs out around queen and yonge. He's usually muttering to himself about korea and the gulf. No one can be fully sure when left eye lobo had his first lobotomy, but according to his some-what unreliable accounts chances are sometime after he blew up at his drill sergent and before he was dispatched as a guerilla. Left eye-lobo hates women as they remind him of his "ona" which means woman in japanese, and is what he uses to refer to his mother. When he's not slapping teenage girl's butts and offering to pay them two dollars for sexual favours he can be seen taking "kung fu" joy rides in his shopping cart.

Left Eye Lobo: Shut up, ona, I'm telling the story.

Me: Sure, 'cause you scare me.

by p@$$ing thr.ugh February 22, 2010

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Pimp's Eye View

When a white person, Tells a story from the perspective of a black person in order to make their story more interesting.

Rob (Normal): Yah, so me and Cheryl went downtown to get some food and some homeless guy started chasing us! I scared him off though!

Rob (Pimp's Eye View): Yo, so me n my bitch were down walking the streets when some crazy motha fucka tried followin us, so i grabbed my gat n popped a cap in dat po foo asss.

by WonkaDollar May 13, 2011

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come to bed eyes

when you want to fuck someone so hard there minge falls out / or a woman is so horny you can smell her moist vagina so she looks at you like 'ot-oh i want your noodle '.

Faye let the cat lick her hand before giving Ross the 'come to bed eyes' before saying "DESTINATION = VAGINA".

by smalltits March 7, 2012

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