The phrase one may use to describe a cowardly male -one who eats meat and acts tough but is as soft as a ranch-dressing soaked salad.
Luke: "Shit, Dusty. I heard you couldn't get your wife to mind you the other day. What are you soft or something?"
Dusty: "No, Luke. I am not soft at all. I respect my wife and all women for that matter. I don't feel the need to act all tough, for I'm not the one who is afraid that people see me as all salad."
Luke: "Hell, I wouldn't eat a salad even if I was starvin!"
Dusty: "You keep treating your wife that way and you be starving and all salad and NO NUTS!"
Frizz for all gives u the power to use frizziness ( second form of rizz) 10000000%
I shall evolve to use Frizz for all
A filler term. Much skin to inserting the word like into every other sentence. May have reached its peak in the mid-90's possibly originating on the west coast
I was like.gonna get some ice cream.but then I realized I didn't have any cash on me.and I'm all....
A uniquely stylish clothing brand established in 2017 by Grant Massey that has beautifully crafted designer wear all designed by Him and his girlfriend Katelynn.
Did you see that be All for You drop?
Staying up for almost all night, usually to about 5:00am. A teenage (age 12- 14) form of an all nighter that is cut short, as to not be caught by your parents.
Geek1: What happened? You just logged off in the middle of the quest in the MMO!
Geek2: Sorry, but I was pulling an almost all nighter. If my parents saw me I'd be dead right now.
Geek1: Sux2bu
i'm mr. dweamy clay
and i miss my gogy man
the best song of all time is lit this
For example if someone asks how much you want or how many are included and the answer would be “All,it.” Simply meaning everything is included.
How much can you carry at a time?