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If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?

A phrase heard in the Pink Floyd song, "Another Brick in the Wall". Extremely funny.

Son: "Mom, can I have some pudding?"
Mom: "You haven't eaten your meat yet."
Son: "But mom!"
Mom: "Son, you know that: 'If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
Son: "Don't be quoting Pink Floyd on me again..."

by DuBois March 23, 2006

384๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

Evil Meat Eating Space Chicken Wearing Sexy Y Fronts

Not so well know tribe of space chickkens not well know any way but definatly not for their intelligence as they r quite stupid. All their attempts of world domination have failed normally as they have gotton the wrong plannet or foggot what dommination was and went to have a tea break but then fogor what that was to so sat around for 200 years then decding to look up world domination on urbandictionary but then got carried away looking up rude words untill their mums came home and where severly spanked!

The Emperor Of The Evil Meat Eating Space Chicken Wearing Sexy Y Fronts wants to talk about world domination, and ask how to use the bog again!

by ---- The Emperor Of The Evil Meat Eating Space Chi October 27, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

The omega infinity succ george washington arthur morgan meat succ supreme antman hydrogen bomb combo 1889 style

An incredibly rare orgasmic move of cosmic proportions, The omega infinity succ george washington arthur morgan meat succ supreme antman hydrogen bomb combo 1889 style can be utilized to pause time itself l. The move is preformed by a person wearing a cowboy getup from 1889, she must succ on a comically small pp with an exploding motion, results have stated that the move is so pleasuring it has the ability to pause time and could possibly end existence as we know it

P1: "aye Br0 you tryna get this move known as the omega infinity succ george washington arthur morgan meat succ supreme antman hydrogen bomb combo 1889 style no homo??"

P2: "aight Br0 sure"

Time: "aight im finna head out adios"

by Spider-Boah October 30, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jewish man wearing a traffic cone on his head while beating his meat naked on the side of the street of downtown LA while 6 to 8 members of the local Mosque watch as he then proceeds to smother ham all over his penis.

A Jewish man wearing a traffic cone on his head while beating his meat naked on the side of the street of downtown LA while 6 to 8 members of the local Mosque watch as he then proceeds to smother ham all over his penis is basically a Jewish man who wears a traffic cone; generally used in road work and diverting traffic, on his head which is the uppermost region of the human body. Whilst he masturbates his penis on the side of a Downtown LA street while 6 to 8 Muslims from the local mosque watch him smother ham on his penis

Jew 1: did you hear that Jewish man wearing a traffic cone on his head while beating his meat naked on the side of the street of downtown LA while 6 to 8 members of the local Mosque watch as he then proceeds to smother ham all over his penis.
Jew 2: No.

by JewishCock August 21, 2021

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Meat popsicle

Corn dog

Meat popsicles are just meat on a stick.

by Meaty popsicle February 21, 2019

shaved meat

When you manscape and nik your dick.

I was on the shitter manscaping and then i shaved meat. Boi did that hurt.

by El_chopo June 30, 2021

Meat Bagel

Synonym for a woman's private area.

Look at how tight Kathy's leisure pants are. You can see her meat bagel through them! Jeff's mom's titties

by jerkbag donny October 18, 2011