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Someone who is not perfect but goes to god, beleives that god's only son died for our sins so that when you die you will not be thrown into the lake of fire (hell), and tell god their sins then asks for forgiveness. Because God is your heavenly father you must tell him of your wrongful deeds.

A christians tells two men or women of how jesus died for us and of God's love for us, one person prays for god's forgiveness the other does not, both are killed. The one who asked for forgiveness is able to enter heaven, the other is casted into the lake of fire (hell) forever.

by Jonathan Qualls June 24, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


Either a tight ass little snitch or bitch or is Bad Ass rebel Mother Fucker, athletic usually good/great looking most likely ripped(ask him too show you). Likes too fuck and drink, smarter than he leads on and stylish makes friends easily also has a personality that is priceless in most cases but most of all loves too make people laugh often referred too as a funny guy or someone people look up too.

Most common example known to man is Christian Rossi

by gaycook May 5, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name givien to those with small penises

'Damn boi, you've got one of them Christian cocks'

by deanoooopppp December 5, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A great friend who has a huge dick, a loving and caring boyfriend that will make you feel safe.

Christian has a Big dick that is long

by Christian Nelson June 25, 2019

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A guy who can spill your guts with no remorse

Christian just killed your family

by F me daddy April 23, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A. In the USA: A dangerous political movement dominated by right-wing conservative extremists and fanatics who use religion as a smoke-screen to intimidate, manipulate, control and hurt people and our government. They are bent on destroying our democracy and replacing it with a theocracy to have us live much like an oppressive country such as Iran where people have few if any rights and laws are dictated by religious leaders. They bully mainstream politicians much like gangsters to do their bidding and frequently take tirades when they don't get their way and make threats like in the Terri Schiavo case.

B. Describes an organizaton of usually mentally unstable social terrorists or fascists who try to dupe people into believing they only are following the will of god to justify their atrocious actions. They seek to take away your civil rights or deny them to you by manipulating the Republican party, through special legislation in Congress, amending state and federal constitutions, by manipulating the courts or pushing for ballot initiatives to decide your rights when all else fails. Their tactics and goals are much like the Nazi party's in Germany during WWII in regards to the Jews except they can't get away with mass murder here or establish concentration camps for groups they marginalize and detest. At least not yet.

C. Something that oppresses and marginalizes. Something that is intolerant. Something that imposes itself on your life like it or not. Something that is often in your face and shoved down your throat. Something that typically shows little if any compassion, love, respect or care for people that are different.

D. A religion whose followers mistakenly think they can invoke as an excuse to justify their actions against other people. They arrogantly believe their faith in itself trumps anything else including your privacy, civil rights or saftey. It's followers often use select bible passages to hurt others and justify their obnoxious behavior!

E. A religious movement of fanatics that thinks it can justify bombing abortion clinics or gay bars and killing innocent people in the name of faith much like a Muslim may think their faith justifies sucide-bombings that kill innocent people for different political reasons. They often like to scapegoat people. They pretend to fight for democracy while actually doing everything in their power to destroy or undermine it. They want people to be tolerant of them but refuse to tolerate anything or anyone that they claim is against their religious beliefs.
Everthing is Black and white to them. There is no compromise. They often try and justify their actions as freedom of religion and free speech while doing all in their power to stifle the free speech of people that disagree with them.

Christianity threatens our democracy by its followers attempts to replace it with a theocracy of the religious elite.

The Neo-nazis, KKK and militia men call themselves followers of christianity and use it to justify the horrific acts they commit against racial minorities, Jews and gays.

Hitler said he was like Jesus, a messiah of christianity fighting against the communists and Jews in Europe and the world. He subsequently murdered millions while many church leaders including the pope looked the other way to appease the Nazis and keep their power.

The fanatical christian preacher and his followers callously picketed the funeral of a gay man that was murdered holding up signs that read...GOD HATES FAGS and SODOMITES BURN IN HELL...all while the dead man's family and friends looked on in disgust and disbelief. A fine example of christianity and its compassion for others.

Christianity is responsible for the deaths of many people often women burned as witches who threatened the male-dominated hierarchy of the church!

Jews and Muslims who refused to convert or were accused of practicing their relgion in secret after converting to christianity were frequently tortured, forced into exile or murdered!

Homosexuals were frequently murdered by the church. Burning them at the stake was the typical form of execution because of the intolerance, ignorance and lack of compassion of christianity! The Knights Templar were murdered by the Pope and a European king for practicing homosexuality but in reality the murderers feared their power and wanted their gold!

by La Da Dee October 26, 2005

80๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž



The position when one white man gets double penetrated from behind by a black man and a mexican, preferably both having a "Saemi" cock (for further reference please see "Saemi")

Eric:Hey Edvard! How did you like the Christian yesterday?
Edvard:Hey Eric! It was excellent, my anus hasn't stopped bleeding and I can't take a seat

Steven & Sam: We're gonna do you so fucking Christian right now

George: NOOOO! Not the Christian

by Sรฆmi Hemma May 15, 2008

63๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž