Source Code

Code 8

In response to a Beer Explosion. A Code 8 directs all units to begin relief operations & commence immediate procurement of pretzels.

Eddie: That sounded like an explosion at the old Simpson place.
Wiggum: Forget it. That's two blocks away.

Eddie: Looks like there's beer coming out of the chimney!
Wiggum: (gets out of the car) I am proceeding on foot. Call in a Code 8.
Eddie: (into radio) We need pretzels. Repeat, pretzels

by Conan vs Jeebus March 18, 2011

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Street code

The code of the street; the only three things you need to know when you're on the hustle.

1) Make paper
2) Stay fresh
3) Don't snitch

"Yo man, I just heard Andre be snitchin' to the po' bout our grind..."
"Fo real? Shit dog, I thought dat fool knew street code. Let's go ice that bitch."

by silent98765 November 16, 2009

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Code Thirteen

Originally derived from the movie Thirteen Days, the term โ€œCode 13โ€ has numerous definitions:

1. This information, of or relating to political strategy, is meant to be kept top secret, private, and on the downlow.
2. Privileged information.

Then being applied by prestigious members of the Warren Mott High School elite, in Warren, Michigan, the code took on an underground meaning as well:

3. The motorcade formation of vehicles traveling to various locations as a group confidentially.

The group is recognizable by their high speed driving in uniquely equipped American-made vehicles, with chrome โ€œ13โ€ emblems, through residential areas, highways, and school parking lots. Certain political affiliations allow the financially sufficient and resourceful brotherhood to remain elusive and ambiguous.

1/2) Ben: You ridin' with us, or you chillin' with your girl?
Tim: Man, I dumped that hoe, but keep it code thirteen.

3)Rod: This game is wack.
Steve: Let's code thirteen outa here.

by NOTMYNECK February 26, 2007

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A type of challenge-response test used by savvy women to ensure that the responses they get from potential mates are not generated by one-night-standers and bullshitters who would say and promise anything ludicrous (obviously absurd) to get some friction (intercourse).
(Completely Automated Partner Test To Tell Cocks and Humans Apart โ€” CAPTCHA.)
The code tells potential steady partners from shitty lays automatically apart.

X: "But Mary, why you date wall-streeters?"
Y: "No fuss darling, in three minutes into the Captcha Code and I can tell if the catch is long-term relationship material."

by rperazag June 21, 2010

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Code Black

A medical emergency term used to tell the staff in the hospital that there is a bomb threat in the building.

According to head nurse there is a code black in the building and we need to evacuate.

by Crys. February 6, 2006

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code magic

A made up little cheat system created by some fag by the name of IDOT.

People should tell little kids about how hacking is done on a COMPUTER.

by 1337 Fork July 31, 2005

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spaghetti code

The product of when some ignorant, over-confident fuckface writes in a hundred lines what you could write in a simple switch statement. This will undoubtedly include unneeded procedures and/or functions, unnecessary global variables, and unnecessarily abstracted include files. The purpose is to stroke the already inflated ego of said limp-dick programmer. And the result is that after management gets a clue and fires this jackass, you become the poor bastard who has to debug this pile of shit when it inevitably breaks down.

Security guard: What are you still doing here. It's seven o'clock. Shouldn't you be at home with your wife?

poor bastard: I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck Hank was trying to accomplish in this spaghetti code.

by Mark VZ December 11, 2006

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