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shoulder creeper

The obnoxious sort of person that peeps over your shoulder when you are working on a paper or sitting at the computer.

"God, I can't stand my co-worker, Lethareau... He is SUCH a shoulder creeper."

"I walked past Bob when he was on the internet, and I totally shoulder creeped to see if he was looking at porn... again!"

by aquinashaniqua February 26, 2009

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photo creeper

Akin to a creeper, but caught on film! A photo creeper is a completely random person in the background (or foreground, if you're really lucky) that ruins a picture--or enhances is, depending on your viewpoint.

See photocreepers.blogspot.com.

"OMFGZ! Like, this would be such a good picture of me and my girlies if there wasn't some random drunk bro in the background, like, creeping on us! What a photo creeper! ROFL!"

by PhotoCreeper May 13, 2009

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creeper anxiety

The anxiety one feels when you realize that you have creeped on everyone around you but they do not even know you exist.

I was sitting in the dining hall on campus when a group sat behind me. I realized I knew all of them including personal details because of my creepin the book and got creeper anxiety when I started to freak out about what a Creeper Mcgee I am. A creeper add may precede.

by creepinsloth December 7, 2010

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Jesus Creepers

Sandals, often Birkenstocks.

Ben is feeling really rather swish in his sandals, his feet are free to enjoy the Summer air whilst still being protected AND they allow him to wear 3/4 shorts without looking quite the fool.

Or so he thinks...


Chris is embarrassed.

by The Pinch July 16, 2006

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Tipi Creeper

Tipi Creeper (noun) or Tipi Creeping (verb) โ€“ An indigenous North American colloquialism and euphemism widely used throughout Indian Country to describe a floozy, a promiscuous lady or man of the evening who travels to and from tipis and tents, most often at powwows, seeking a random sexual partner.

I think she's just a tipi creeper because after we had sex she never called me back.

I was tipi creeping last night after the powwow and met this hot Navajo chick with a phat booty.

by First Nation Fool January 8, 2012

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creeper add

adding someone on facebook that you dont know

duuude this chick is soo hot,, you should creeper add her

by houseofspears August 22, 2010

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creeper sweep

To "cleanse" one's facebook friends list of people that no longer belong there... that's right. To sweep up the creepers.

Person A: "Why did your friend count go from 1,324 to only 832? Anything you care to tell me about?"

Person B" "Oh that, well i just did a creeper sweep and eliminated all those people i don't talk to anymore. All they do is stalk me."

Person A: "Oh i see. Damn i should do a creeper sweep too!"

by sandstorm810 June 20, 2011

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