Source Code

Italian triple

When manually stimulating a woman's private parts, applying a thumb to the clitoris, inserting one or two fingers in the vaginal canal, and a finger into the anus.

A couple minutes of Italian triple and she was ready to climb the wall.

by Rod Brock May 15, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

italian penis

that shit above this definition is true and all the girls kno it italians are hung like horses

I, Paul am huge! I have an italian penis. But sorry ladies I'm taken.

by Paul DeVito III July 12, 2004

946๐Ÿ‘ 514๐Ÿ‘Ž

Italian Tank

How to turn premature ejaculation into a night to remember.

When your doggy style & going to cumm to quick, you pull out, tuck it between your ass cheeks, aiming behind you, (check your blind spot) and let it go without her knowledge. Then non chalantly allow for snap back & continue for hours on end. Shoot both ways, like an Italian tank.

I was on a first date, a little excited, and was going to to blow my load to soon, so pulled the Italian Tank & was good to go for hours aftwards.

by C. V. September 11, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

italian penis

An Italian Penis is a very big and thick penis. It is rumoured that Italian men and men of Italian descent have got very big penises.

Ben: Hey man! What have you got underneath your trousers? A whiskey bottle?
Giuliano: No man, it's just my Italian Penis!

by Leo_rex June 9, 2007

955๐Ÿ‘ 527๐Ÿ‘Ž

italian women

italian woman is somebody that is usually so self centered and envious about foreign womens beauty (especially from north or east european girls)and mean to resort to every trick and cheap shot just to steal some focus and attention. ending up to look and act like the most awful bitch in the world.

sometimes italian women, resort also to go on dictionaries and define themelves as hot, cute, pretty, attractive and gorgeous. male opinions not requested.

by mave73 May 8, 2008

744๐Ÿ‘ 412๐Ÿ‘Ž

Italian briefcase

A large paper shopping bag.

Smithers showed up for work carrying his office supplies in an Italian briefcase.

by Joao Bufamarillo May 13, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake italian

1. a person who is not born in Italy or its family but trying to act like Italian
2. Adam Bucci

Marco's brother, Adam Bucci is a fake italian

by Hojin March 2, 2003

52๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž